Court Creative Equity, Royal network & Advertisement Admin

The Court at Global Industry and International Markets 


Specifically with respect to Business where matters become more conspiciously apparent, my relationship with my Court is entirely personal and in this I find it impossible to understand how some people expect some alteration to my existence or behaviour to allow them do what they want or like when the whole ethos of all they get up to is to make them do the wrong thing and get punished, while at the same time seeking the right to punish them. I do for my part know it is incredibly insolent but we are all in it together, so I am having the time of my life basIcally.

The personality wars do not create any major issues as such, it is something that is bred out of a process where if you are important you will be when they say so, hence their intrusion and familiarity leads to financial problems while you have the office and the duties to perform and so because of me those big business of theirs and whatever have now matured and they have to think about their attitude, which if they do the result will make them a lot of money but I don’t care as it is a big world. What they have decided however is a bit different i.e. that the state of affairs of global finances involves them at the top, a set of idiots that have no shame and think they are the only ones that need money in the middle, while I occupy the bottom and this is what every thing they do and their stupid Politicians do about wealth distribution is based on, nothing else but excuses to justify why I should loose my income to somebody else who is next in command to the millionaires and billionaires.

I mean if they wish to see things much simply and differently for a change well my way is that, they might have a million for example but soon they will split it between five persons at £200,000 each and show it off on media, tell people they are getting rich having business going places and that there are people who have been excluded from that but each time they turn up to use that money to earn my income instead of work for their own it becomes really impossible to make it happen and the more I get published and put my products out there on the market place, the more they feel they have a right to physically touch them to do damage, physically touch them when I have not given them the permission to do so, nor has the law. The life and death issues do not scare anybody, they will just explain things and nothing more. I mean when the onus of why I am hunted is because of the probability of taking my property away from me when and if I am killed because the possibilities of that happening does not exist and I have made it that way for my personal safety and well being, what people expect is that I don’t want to bring them to the same place that they brought me before the life and death issues are worked out so they can settle definitively what their sense of courage really is, otherwise if they have the millions it is not exactly clear why they do not leave me alone and enjoy it rather than talk rubbish about what community fools will find out if and when I defend myself. It only measures our civility thing i.e. all those times I gather stock and find a place and decide what it must be for a shop, somebody knows I am trying to set up a place for earning money and so if he takes advantage of the idea that if I die he can grab my property, he can make money from it and it is always as such something that last for just a while too, always temporary at all times otherwise we are supposed to imagine there is something wrong with Mr Millionaire when the shop is fully set up and he wants to explore what would happen if I die. They do need to watch it seriously and it is even better so when they own the world.

I. Uno


The old but rather Popular notion that all we Royals do must be sabotaged by people because we do people's things for them and treat them like Children, is just if I may answer it, one of those claims that fools who want such things to happen by their very actions put forward because they think that if they do, by the time they harm people the fact they have will mean it is too late for others to defend themselves.

If they do not want Royals to do their things for them and treat them like Children, it is not exactly clear why they always feel that because they work backstage on some media or handle matters of personal security for top Politicians, the Money/ power combination looks best on them and suits them best but then still cannot tell the difference between a money power combination and a legitimate business, so that every knish thing people to do earn a living must always be muscled in on by them as soon as they poke around peoples businesses enough to find out (TO BE DESTROYED AND SQUANDERED IF THEY ARE BEING NICE TO THE KIDS, PLANNED LIKE ANIMALS ALL THE WAY TO PUTTING THEIR TROUBLE SEEKING IDIOTS THAT GO FROM ONE THING TO ANOTHER OF WHICH IT GETS WORSE AND WORSE AND WORSE IN HARMS WAY, IN ORDER TO GAIN EXCUSES FOR HARMING THE ONE WHO HAS MONEY THEY WANT WHICH THEY CLAIM TO HAVE IN THEIR POSSESSION, WHICH SEEMS TO GO ON LIKE THAT FOREVER JUST BECAUSE THEY AND THEIR POLITICIANS ARE SOCIOPATHS), with the use of their Public media cheap shots which are also protected by the impressions they create with their appearance on public media that they are actually looking after those they are bullying nor is it clear how they intend to bully a Royal Prince with that stupid media they have got and thus why they cannot give it up and go away.

The idea I set myself up on other peoples expertise and then expect that whenever they do anything I will put it down to my achievement, its all very well considering the circumstances but I wonder what else they would believe has made me so vicious on the matter of my book sales; since no body knows what they are doing stopping that from happening for, when whether I write books or sell books is none of their business nor is whether I write books and sell books I write any of their business. The truth behind it is that they gather up here and make sure they never do anything they are told to, so while I do my part they think they will grab my work and pass it off as their own and of course the problem with that is that just when they are about to claim it is their own they will find themselves completely displaced because I have other ideas. Then there is the other part where I was meant to do a job to run my office on my own expertise and skill not get information from them and now that they control my life and are the ones that give me any information I need on the job so they can use it to manipulate me as much as they like, at some point they will think they are the ones that have done it but I will always have other ideas. Then there is also the fact that they know I am notorious for being anal and they do these things because they think they are really tough; so whatever leads to their complains was never the original plan, the plan they created here was a condition where they always found reasons to lean on my job and that is how it must be as I cannot be bothered to deal with something to useless even if I could.

As for the Bullies and the older people that support them, they are evil of course and this is not the issue, the issue now is that it is the Politicians that will now have to believe in Good and evil since others cannot tell them it is overrated too. I have had enough of their distant hedonistic filthy fascism thrown at and dumped on me all the time and will one day beat them and their stupid women up seriously for it especially the black ones. The part where there are complains about how I write books with errors and expect somebody else to sell them was never the original plan; now that they have turned it into what they like they will now have to explain how they will sell books with errors on the basis of spreading their bribery and corruption with it, I couldn’t care less-they will sell the books anyway. I have no idea who gave them permission to get rich and famous ripping my empire and equities I broke with people bodies, the history I have with people and enterprises all over the world (whatever somebody would gain from leaving their own history and ripping mine to pieces anyway and these things I do these days will not have been the first consequence by the way) and the fringes of my intellectual space for their purposes; the temerity; its incredible. It only leaves one question about what must be done about them and the terrible and tiresome lies they tell thereafter to ensure they are not stopping it.

You might have heard the way it works in terms of progress report of a decade of unemployment and cash flow crisis so that their community idiots can continue to keep an eye on me to nurse hopes of having sex with me and therefore get violent over it daily which painful effects for me and lies told by Politicians spinning society in the process of trying to win elections on the damage they have done by causing me more suffering, while they move into my life and have a problem with my faith but go after my money, seek sex but go for everything else I own, then where and when it began will blow your mind i.e. if they barge into my life and find out I am a Christian then if God is a man, women are the means by which they will get anything they want in life from me and are determined to get everything I own making up ideas about what justice is as they go along with their media.

The claim of a fear and terror of media does not have a basis on fact, HH is not scared of the media, they are nothing but a hand full of looser effect creating bullies and when you have them on your case of course, you always have the crime and passion and racism stuff following you around but nothing winds them up never the less like having facts and evidence which discredit their right to fame they lay claims to.


Browsing Archive: March, 2012

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Naturally the whole business of the appearance I do not seem to work hard enough on security matters, which creates this outcome where people need to assist me as they believe I am not strong enough to handle certain issues, which is quite right, except each time they back onto the fact I am Royalty and it is probable what I think about doing is something I know how to tackle i.e. the only way that those who are stronger than I am and fear for my safety will have their own safety jeopardised by something I am doing will be when I am not working hard enough on it and this largely refers to criminality matters, such as young people and criminals chasing addiction and attacking people randomly to ensure they secure finances and market for it - same as smoke screen for criminality Media Journalists relentless and ever abiding disobedient practical jokes with peoples livelihood and finances, when they wish to interpret their civil rights as a process of extracting an income from the wealthy city centre without having to do any more work for it than has been imposed on them by force, it therefore usually gives way to the throwing peoples valuables to fat cats that they and the young people who follow them at popular culture work so hard to prepare themselves to do, that they believe absolutely everybody is taken by the stories they tell of work being imposed on them and of course at the heart of the supply of start up finances and mobility for such things is a bit too much of Politicians showing up in peoples lives.
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