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Only two positions here matter; one of them is that my Court comprises of only white women, as the blacks are much too busy with wickedness and running around the corridors of the international community finding Political idiots to serve at the expense of good men, in the hope another will work for something they can entitle themselves to as usual, supposing it was possible they do their insults on absolutely everybody and more so successfully and the other is that my Court comprises entirely of women that are white because they do not wish to be friends with all white men, particularly office trash idiots that do nothing with their time but travel the world fucking women that are close to important men especially when they are younger and unleashing their stupid girls on other peoples finances, in order to hug the media as well, besides which those always think they are discriminative against none whites but wish to find their way into and alienate these women from their own lives anyway, hence I found a settlement of my own.
What men on media get up to contrary to popular notions is not something of a concern to me like they claim it is. Everybody can easily see that grown men of 50 years of age and above chasing fame and youth and fortune like that can only do so much damage and that is not the end of the story either because they also say I should be getting out of the right so they can occupy my personal life and move me on to the left to tell me where I am supposed to be and so I cannot make out which is what they are actually saying either for my part. About which they tell me I destroy multiculturalism and then complain about racial intolerance thereafter when it was all done for my benefit in the first place, which is utter nonsense bearing in mind the things their wives get up to i.e. they will want toy boys for example and when they do they wish to choose people that have high causes, high responsibilities and even high callings and better still if they are Christians as well, knowing fully well that the purpose of it is to have a boy to bully for self gratification and then push into a fight as well as keeping hold of money to rule the roost and when you ask them why they would want such things from a Christian they tell you it is because they can do anything they like. This is what I say when being objective about it of course, the real facts behind it is that I am weak either by my actions or by rumours they have spread about me and therefore they just cannot stop having a go at me because of he cravings of gratifications they desire and it is also clear from the things they say that they actually expect me to get used to it and this is why I have prepared myself for every Politician that thinks that if I tell people a particular thing being done to me by their hands is something I do not appreciate, I ought to get used to it, for those that do it however they hate my guts like hell but continue to claim I am being bullied. They do really stupid things you see, for example along a traffic light you walk and the light goes red for the cars and green for the walking man; they still feel as though they should be telling you how fast you are meant to walk across the lights with the revs of their cars and stuff as though they want to hit you and you see that tendency to hit you with it being shown by the versions of them that have added violence to the stupidities that I find really insulting in the first place. So of course lets say it was done by a bus driver and I went around to express my feelings, you soon find that all of them gang up on you and do it over and over and over and over and so if anything goes wrong, it will turn out that the outcome is that you and Bus drivers do not get along and that is how they want society to operate. So generally at the moment it is clear that people hate the idea I have a livelihood and such things do not just happen but it does not mean however that we have yet come to the pinnacle which is the point where the idea white men want money and black men want money will become a matter for amusing spectacle and then there will be human rights issues as well. They do not seem to take anything on board when I tell them not to touch my property; they harm my websites everyday and realise it will get no response from me and if there is no response there is no way of capitalising on the bullying and so they get on media to extract one and this happens everyday before they complain. I mean it was always really easy in the first place anyway; they are really stupid and really predictable and I seem to look like I am a god all the time because as soon as I set out bait it gets a bite everyday and so I have come to the point where for everything that happens to my property I know exactly who is responsible and when they get on media to get a reaction it is as though it was a case of if ever there was reasonable doubt and then with this they even claim it is an inability to work with the people but seeking power thereabout never the less. For how did I come up with the prognosis of oh look white man needs money for example? Except by the fact I need to be detached from my life and moved to the left while the fathers have the past which is what really belongs to them, tell me where I am supposed to be and tell me to hurry up about life itself. Then of course they tell me I spend all my time seeking privileges of older people as well and whenever they do they think it scares me but it never really does because my books are no such things, people have always thought they were because that was the rumour they spread to earn my income and not work for their own, insult and abuse me and extract the perks for my job for their gratification. Better still it explains a lot of things about other issues as well, such as the fact that people try to understand some of the things I place on my sites for example, which is largely that they can get up and set up a means on other peoples lives so that any movement the person makes will affect their profits and the person will suffer as a result of that and then of course there is also the part where every industry you apply for jobs at and every place you have shopped in before must be harassed by them on your behalf until you one day go to the Job centre to listen to a staff tell you that they are there to help you find jobs for which there are real chances that you will ever find and so it sounds like power but it obviously will end very well too as it were.
I. Uno
As for the question of why people do these things, chiefly among which is their prognosis of wickedness and evil with other peoples lives, livelihoods and health (The bane of it being the process of holding people back so that foolish women can bully them until they have sex with them, picking up from their audacious cheap shots which means always that oppression is a good thing if it is temporary as long as few are chosen for it, so that they can get away with doing so using a majority rule government-about which of course no matter what they have, it is never enough as though they can give to others), it might be Kleptomania, it might be racism, it might be because of their huge and terribly insolent egos, I couldn’t care any less. The bottom line is that they are pure evil and I should never reward and never be seen rewarding it, either way of which I am not their father and I am not their doctor and I am not their bank account either.
Of course they will get the gangs and I am perfectly happy for them to do that; self destruction is how they do their own as it were which is better than vandalism of my property all the time, they can get racists as well if they want, all I want is to see them get off me.
They tell me I tell lies all the time and cover up the evil things women do when they are rich and famous etc and of course when they see my books like to get on my market place and stifle sales by telling people it is an exposition on what women do because I am desperate and get their stupid girls to confirm it for an even greater chance at more vandalism, if they get anything out of me it was worth it if they get nothing it must mean their victory against me has been attained. I am not the one that tells lies, not to mention the one that tells lies and then ends up believing them at the same time. They are the ones that lie all the time about how people join gangs because they are being cheated out of what they deserve by people like me who make deals with oppressors to have money and live easy while they fight for freedom; when in actual fact the reason they join gangs and do violent things has always been that when their parents discipline them, gangs will tell them to stay off their records because they are so horrid their discipline tends to turn up in Public like my evil mother that planned to get me murdered so she can live more freely in the UK which of course is not a new story at as she is my mother and I have put up with it all my life in the first place. The issue of course being that when they grow up their since of independence is a condition where no body tells them to stay off any record, so they join a gang, show what they are made of or even establish their own gangs. I have always known a spin doctor government like Labour is a racist government and the first thing it will do once it gets in office is to make friends with gangs, so they always come up with those stories about discrimination that they think somebody ought to be scared of and then all kinds of rubbish will emanate from that to wreck peoples lives while they get rich. I am not and have never been interested for my part anyway and I have always been clear too as it were that whether or not they get off to dispatch public funds in a certain way does not bother me in anyway as I do not want to know since it is not my money but they have rather always wanted to create the effect by attacking my academic work with their pimp rubbish and my finances or my job and now my book sales too-claiming there are things I know how to do which I should be seen doing. I only thought I ought to do their own for them as well. As I said, I have always known a spin doctor government is a racist government and the first thing it will try to do is make friends with gangs and when I say it, it sort of becomes obvious I have not gone to extremes to defend myself and with their insults stalking and abuses I might well do so yet.
They do say I support government austerity of course and there is really no such thing; here in the UK The Labour Party which is the socialist trouble makers we have spurning other scams such as the SNP for instance made the NHS and the Police force into a job creation racket and so there were to structural changes to ensure the waste of public funds works for the government of the Country, unlike when they did with the creation of a New Supreme Court because people were on their case and I myself had developed my own grey areas for abusing and attacking them and getting away with it too, this therefore has meant each time the Nation decides on a different leadership but their own the incoming government will see these two institutions as unfit for purpose and that level of stupidity and waste of tax payer funds by a collection of selfish, twisted and spiritually evil and greedy idiots who spend all our time telling us about nothing save standard of living issues and austerity could never have gone on for eternity anyway . I don’t think it’s a problem because I know what I am dealing with; it’s always a story of how they have some money and how they get to add some more money to it by taking advantage of somebody and then comes the question of why ever on earth taking advantage of somebody every single time, which is what expresses their true evil and twisted nature all together i.e. the primary purpose is to satisfy a desire and if that desire is satisfied the stage will be set for civil rights to help them get rich while they get to hound others until people work for it for them but the part where they want to be rich and famous all together always comes as a result of the realisation that a condition where they are seen as losers can end because you are an adult that simply have no opportunity to stop working for things and when that is combined with their need to get off and create grey areas that allow criminals to make money, they think they are feeling the hand of history on their shoulders and I for my part do not know what their problem over my books really is anyway, I don’t know what they want from me save the understanding that if they kill off the sense they are losers just like they love to mess with the legal system to create grey areas that allow criminals to make money and a problem they have with the state of affairs of the law, if they end the sense they are losers people will not mess with their need to get rich. Its as they say; whether I have no other thing to be concerned about save slapping down socialists all the time but again the reality is starker i.e. assassination of peoples leaders hooray that is a socialist ideal, encouragement of paedophilia and sexual abuse that will cover their desire for it when they are being restricted both through public attention that they have been seeking and got over the year and other things that ensure they cannot hide hooray that is a socialist ideal and it goes on and on and on and you can list them if you wanted and it is always okay for them to get on media and challenge of course except we will hear the complains when I kick them too.
They do say I am actually scared of them but the whole prognosis of the fact when people think they are political hot rods and mavericks it means that they have to have a go at me has not yet resulted in serious problem; only complains about things I have done which I can reverse because I should actually have been scared of them in the first place but then again if they express their hatred at me in order to make use of my personal and thinking space in a grand way with impunity again and I handle them again it is very likely to have become a profession in the process being something I do for money.
I am aware of the issue with the Royal family around my
earnings but there really isn’t any save the Duke of York; when you say people
have aims and objectives, the one the Duke of York like his elder brother
regularly exhibits the one where anybody who is a misogynist can arise to high
positions of society by extricating prerogatives from others which they can
prevent by shutting up, has, is to integrate my leadership and all that follow
me and all I have into what he owns and of course th...
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At Court - Only how Muslims and others deal with the Problem of social unrest and the attractiveness and insurgence and terrorism and the funding for it compared with how Christians and Christian leaders handle the matter and of course the fact nobody really knows what the Americans are all about but it is clear and obvious every involvement they carry through anywhere in the world leads to would be terrorists getting funding, women being attacked and abused or even destroyed and ultimately war.
It is always clear as such the reasons young people always want to be part of the trouble makers, it means others have to design a future to serve them with and destruction they wrought on peoples person and property can easily be excused as Industry competition and yes it tells more when it turns to competition with religion, for none really can explain why Politicians continue to support them at such a point; so that others get punished by the Politicians for mentioning it and they assume their own right to punish those who interfere, still peoples finances are being restricted by their media appearances and celebrities to competition with religion as the evil people of the world - looking for trouble.
Its never me moaning, at this stage its a story of a dilemma of how to stop them especially the journalists and celebrities from using my person and public life to make money and then blaming me for it on claims I use myself as well thereby encouraging it without doing any damage to health and well being as it were.
The tale of how I have taken up and done most of the work for the Monarchy as peddled by Politicians will not do either; I mean it is not like I am a separate thing from the Monarchy in the first place anyway but then again it does seem the matter needs to be settled around how Parliamentary Parties will come to an agreement to end their hung parliament disease – I personally have a suggestion that since the Labour party does best at bankrupting the Country to provide for the poor and the Conservatives do best at restoring the economy so Labour can bankrupt it later, they ought to agree among themselves which party is to back down for which whenever there is a National crisis, so if it is poverty then the Conservatives back down for Labour and if economy and deficit Labour for the conservatives, so that they can stop talking nonsense. Their American friends speak of a world of imagination and change that I have created but am now trying to keep people out when they need it which is utter nonsense; the truth is that I own the Liabilities of the British currency and the Queen owns the Assets and stability, so if any of my structures thus created to foster trade relations with the US is ruined by any American idiot, the whole prognosis of the fact they speak a language I speak as well and can understand what people are saying to them so that being an American does not necessarily mean you have to be criminally disobedient will come into perspective again and the end product will be another case of the fact I actually do not need the help of the British government to take them down. Overall however it’s a matter of making sure equities I broker with firms all over the world is secure at the end of the day i.e. for instance German Car firms always tend to make lean reliable and fast cars, what is it that has now caused them to start making fat cars like the British – it’s not encroachment but equities brokered, it seems that they have to borrow from us to settle relationships where they have major trading partners and so on and so it’s never really an issue until an idiot in Germany wants to be a rich trouble maker of which there are social structures in Germany to prevent it unless that is the British become obsessed with the next persons I am supposed to have been scared of and then I will have to intervene – personally of which this habit they have of using me to make money then blaming me because I use myself too has got to stop, it is not going to continue for any much longer.