They come forth to make the claim that we British hated Americans but wanted everybody to think something else was on going which is utter nonsense as the problem is that the USA is full of bimbos who loved to abuse men from other countries over ideas their country’s military was very big, then point out instances where the US Government responded to Islamic terrorism as an instance whereby its victims were supposed to be afraid of its stupidities. Then again, they are small fish, the big problem was the stupid men behind it, who always converted others into personalities with mystery to a personal life that can be treasure hunted to make money, rather than get a real job and the other prick who was the only other person complaining about it more than I am will not spend spending money on the media narcissism that they performed to target me. It is a simple matter of saying I needed to pay more attention to the idiots who were responsible for this mindset where I appeared to live in a proxy of the USA and which was incredibly stressful, once finished with these and they were still here, then there will be a new story to this nonsense all together. It does love to lip flap its really large civil disobedience sociopath big mouth all the time about the ways I talked but could not back it up, just as much as we know that they were a bunch of criminals, home wreckers and gold diggers and as long as it gets that incentive from the stupid yank that does not stop spending money on them at other peoples expense, no amount of slaughter will be enough to deter this nonsense.

There is the claim naturally that I am not affected by all these issues but I am not as it is a matter of a bunch of people so stupid that they were women who claimed they were the sort of women that could get privileges of female society from a Man like me, on account I am not a violent person; so they have apparently and the result is that they had taken it up to the point where their idiots married my wife at the Monarchy for more gimmicks, the US security services were brought to bear and it was not enough, still they have ended up being the people who missed out on family life – the other part about privileges of injustice from government offices being the one that is now playing out to find out if they can take me on with respect to that front as well. It is a case of claims that I am the person in the wrong after years of those abuses and people knowing things about me that I did not and it was all bad narcissism, building up to a point and getting worse as I got older, closing in on me whilst they spent time deciding the crowd size that will help them do what they supposedly wanted to do, having given way to me taking up the insults that I owed them a debt of service, always had to do something for them every time they laid eyes on me, so seriously that they were now complaining that I never stopped doing things for their stupidities as well – I incorporated it into the way I ran a Bookshop and another group of fools had to cling to my assets, building them a media narcissism on which they could make the most of their government office insults, criminal lifestyles, home wreckers and gold diggers gimmicks, hence we have ended up where we are but overall, it saw me write a Book and showed up here as a famous idiot with its home wrecker, gold digger gimmicks and years of insults on service that I owed their stupidities, in which with respect to the contents of the Books, everything that bothered them had to be taken care off, just as much as I have provided them the exit if their stupidities were complaining as well, to restrict their famous persons comments and gestures to their own careers. They have found a Media narcissism that makes them money whilst they hurt other people, apparently hit the jackpot, now need to move on, everything else is just incredibly abusive and disrespectful, needs to keep its mouth shut and read the Book.

They do claim they did what they did on the basis that I am dirty and disgusting but it is an old story naturally, the interest in my personal space to strip the good bits and leave only the areas that are not so savoury, then attack it, we all know it is the essence of their narcissism media and abusive neighbourhoods. That said, it is not really a crisis, as if I am unable to reorganise my personal life to deal with the fact that I am on the basis of what they have seen from my Books, supposed to bear and live with the filthy aspects of celebrity careers whilst they tidy up whole neighbourhoods on my personal life, to make it more acceptable to the wealthy people that will live there and make them rich whenever they sold products at the Markets, it is obviously not my fault that I am not paying attention to my hygiene, the benefits are that their stupidities become so greedy and obsessive with it that they begun to pick up the dirt which had a negative impact on their plan to get rich gimmicks, so it is always best to be oneself and do things on ones own pace unless there was a local council behind it, making the mess, paying social security and working people for homelessness. I am now close just as the warnings I have given them to keep their comments to their careers, pick up the publicity associated with it for any elating gimmicks they wanted to engage themselves with and cease passing their insults in my direction with a stupid narcissism media, I am now about to make a case for an outcome in which the Bookshop will work for me on schedule or the celebrity wealth and the well off neighbourhoods will end up on the red corner with me on the blue and vice versa; I suspect it will be exciting. Further details are contained in those stupid claims they did what they did also because I had a tendency to pose a threat to the public, of which it was not clear if what they did when people posed a threat to the public was to invent a gimmick whenever the person was asleep, to tidy up whole streets on his personal life and bed chamber as to encourage wealthy people to live in their neighbourhoods and give them money whenever they were planning to get rich at the Markets, then send out some low lives with nothing to lose to run me down and keep an eye on me whilst I am expected to get into a fight with people on the streets, finished off with an abusive gimmick everyday where the low life reports to them and returns to bang walls and doors at me, with an opportunity opening up on the narcissism media for a time when its hoodlum stupidities will steal my career. What is clear however being that all the way to the Politicians and the Celebrities, these were a group of incredibly stupid individuals whom a lack of response on my part for their gimmicks is apparently my own contribution to this nonsense.

I have provided ample warning for them to play around with their own career publicity for elation and good feelings, make comments about it on Media everyday. On the point that I am facing an uphill struggle, I could never tell anyway, it would appear the local council has in the last 7 years shown they were interested in wrecking the career, tidying up whole streets with my personal life, offering flattery for criminality gits at my expense, getting fed up paying the social security which had now also become a career barrier and work me for homelessness, so apart from this, it has been 6 weeks, date 12/10/2024 from 1/9/2024 on which date I had declared that I had stopped moving them on, on their own terms, since the strategy never actually worked – I think what I have written here alone shows how much progress I have made so far in 6 weeks but the crown will be the instances where I get my hands on the Celebrity wealth and the well off neighbourhoods as the means by which to ensure they stopped picking up my career publicity, discuss my public image and make gestures that ascribe my public work unto them in order to get rich and power etc, refusing to heed the warning I have had enough of them and need to get the bills paid, like a bunch of really stupid people who only tended to make sense of physical violence. The history began at University in 2004, during which time the explanation for their unusual interest in my person should have made sense if they were provoked by the law and I was studying the law, as per the fact I was at University was the thing that got on their nerves but the Politicians were taken by the fact they were presenting a face which suggested it was all about the fact they owned a society – the unthinkable happened and I dropped out, since then, they cannot have enough of what originally began as showing up at University to get it into my my mind that my bum was being fingered and have since hit the jackpot with a rogue landlord that shares my privacy with them so they could work the fantasies until it got real, it cannot be that difficult to avoid my response completely by staying away from my career publicity as I do not write their Books in this place and do not display anything that their Celebrities have written at the shop, allowing it to work for me on schedule. There is no uphill struggle here, I will get my hands on their Celebrity wealth and well off neighbourhoods and the idea it was all amusing whenever they want to give me a break and back onto something about a world of wealthy and powerful people from whence they came, will turn into a process where I had to take something seriously for a change in their stupid lives but right now it seemed to continue because they were a bunch of incredibly stupid people who only could make sense of physical violence hence continued to pick up my career publicity, run gestures all over my public work that ensured that I came up stuck and people could get imagination into my panties over their interests and that of their famous idiots in my affairs.

It is a very small matter and that is one of the men and the entertainment moguls along with their Celebrities not picking up my career publicity or passing it off as their own creation on doing, history shows they never listen and liked to think the excuse it was a bit of fun will suffice if I lived out 2 decades of hell, most of it spent on social security because they were borrowing my career with a media narcissism they claim was being worked from such a distance as it was impossible for me to pose a threat to them before they had done anything that they wanted to do with my career and finances. So I too do not intend to do any of the things I want to do to burn that contraption of theirs, I intend to find out if it will actually work like their big mouth suggests it will only, that said it was all avoidable, a simple matter where it ceases to pick up my career publicity and gets its copy of the Book or keep its money. It is always okay for poof Leo to find its way into a libras existence and do some convenient betrayal, where it becomes a problem was the part where Libra responded and poof Leo missed out on family life – there was a time this nonsense was about practically castrating me so all my attention would be spent on them on the basis that I had no children, now it found its way into my relationships and any issues that were marked out for a wife I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, to cling to and make comments and gestures that helps their stupidities handle my career publicity to feel good and considering its narcissism disposition where it did not care I ended up on social security, to be an incredibly important thing.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland