It is suggested then that I never took seriously the threat from the USA but there is none really just a bunch of idiots who say that whilst you worked with their government as an ally, they will get into American neighbourhoods to build a crowd that will award them some money to make them wealthy, then they will keep the deal by showing up in the UK to put up a behaviour which suggests if they had what the British Monarchy had, only then will they become important – it is not a prime concern at this stage, usually develops into reasons they complained about hating the British later on, the concern now is that of the Media offering to help anybody who gained access to my career, to make good of it with publicity and they were backed by German influence twats, by which they corrupted my wealth equity public image into both a tool by which to suggest criminals were better people willing to take a chance, make money and buy show business and that I am also a character people bullied to befriend the wealthy. I have provided them with an exit at this stage, being so stupid they cannot stop doing it of their own accord, once done with this process of sorting neighbourhoods that exist to decide what my financial well being was on the basis of their own private possession, should I return to find the perverted interest in my concerns continued by the Media, I will get down to it and likely begin where I left off i.e. women on media were probably the most profitable victims of sexual harassment and bothering me meant they picked up some extremists who then got them complaining everyday for reasons of following them to work endlessly as well, to which effect I will try to solve permanently the stupid problem associated with losing money because I cannot be free from being a victim of narcissism, associated with well dressed hoodlums running me down on media all day long.

The other part of the story were the varying issues arisen from the fact nobody knew what I thought of the Sussexes and whether I can be relied on to assist the New Monarch. Of which there are no opinions about the Sussexes in a political sense as their activities were originally supported by the current Monarch when he was Prince of Wales, the Sussexes had a reason to agitate if they were abandoned because it got tough, that said, nobody will get a thing done and then tell you it was ready to let you rule at the Monarchy, you had to work it out, the problem with the Sussexes being that when they fall, they do not get up like everybody else, they abandon family, the whole clash with the Queen story was due to the fact the Queen required them to work their concerns and achieve a disposition of competence on a schedule because they simply refused to get anything done. They have now suggested it was a matter of structural racism in the Monarchy which is actually a place where publicly displayed activities were passed from parents to children and parents could not actually say that they were able to control all the actions and activities of their own children as such, so people had to invent something incredibly clever to get away with such things, which placed a limit on how far they could practice it. Then there is the question of what I thought of the new monarch of which there is nothing to think, the trust issues I raised can only create an outcome where I made so many demands, so I believed that I simply needed to get down to it and bury the Trust issues – people have suggested it is just me saving my skin which it is not, the trust issues were a function of the King supporting gits who wrecked peoples lives to such an extent they ended up fighting peoples wars, so I needed to draw up publicity that created an obviously contrasting difference between the rest of us and the people who did that, so that it might be clear they were sociopaths who never stopped fermenting crime in the neighbourhoods or bothering people who worked in the armed services, directly linked to Celebrities of which we have seen evidences in my case that it was the Celebrities I invited into my concerns, that were more likely to trash my finances and employ a private army that will prevent me from recovering it because they did not wish to give up a feeling that their famous stupidities had become more important than I am, hence it was clear that those I had not invited should be kept at arms-length and the gits that fight my wars needed to solve their problems and make more sacrifices.

So there is ideas out there that my work and person is always shrouded in great and messy mystery of which there is none, just media gits supporting any who gained access to my career and using their media presence to allow such persons get away with it, outcome is that a bunch of male ageist idiots have been working hard to become Arch Prince’s so it was a fiasco at this stage, while the Political mess that has also affected their well dressed media presence stupidities is the way these men decided that a little bit of assistance from the bank of mum and dad added to it, would allow teenager to enter into a public disposition where it is said that they knew what I knew, I was infantile and disrespectful, in a situation where they had hundred times as much money, therefore I am a bum and a social write off, which continues to trash my finances at the Bookshop and beckons me to find a way that I can stop it badly. Currently I have done a quarter of the work on that, especially concerning the way they take over what happens at the fashion Industry, to which effect women who usually worked with designers backstage, decided that was taken from them and they were entitled to walk the run way, which the narcissists did not agree with – I need to finish the other three mystery items that will ensure they understood clearly that the only thing worth tolerating about their interest in my concerns was a part played, where they got to say thy were fighting extremism and deserved financial reward from either Parliament or Washington on account of having done so. Answering the matter of power directly, none knows why they think that is what they had if most of their time was spent picking up the abilities that civil rule afforded them, to run people down everyday, starting from 6.00am daily like it was a job – I mean I have been told that my compassionate leadership had huge disadvantages but we can see that there is only one i.e. time wasting of which any time it occurred, evidence is that the government has been working for them instead of the public – I had no idea why it is assumed people smaller than I can could successfully tackle me on account that I had not picked up my own civil rule to make sense of my position if there was government function in my neighbourhood and say my perspective of other people was a violent one, we know from evidence that if I started picking up mine as well this nonsense will likely end the way that I wanted it to. They do claim that they read the star signs, it is therefore not clear how I become the least performing on matters of power, whilst what they are really complaining about is that Aries cannot do without sex and Scorpio would lot lose a fight to a Libra who drops down to living off values when the chips are down, as easily as an Aries would because Aries cares about other people; the backdrop at this stage is that on the whole, the single cause of all my financial problems was the perversions they have built into my values social life and Books with their abusive publicity and we are now talking about decades spent living the way a bunch of idiots wanted me to exist, whilst the other gits who claim I am the one doing the wrong things complained of consequences associated with the fact they had not a foggiest clue what they were talking about.

Hence as a matter of what Politicians think of it, I had no idea what power they were talking about, we know if they are not blabbing such nonsense they would claim I suggested I was doing the right thing but am actually not, the conditions for this being that it was okay to say that your assessment of another person’s personality whenever they stepped outside of their door should allow you to work a process where you adopted a public place disposition to move into their right hand and finger their bum on account you suggested they were weak and you understand that the right way to exist was to stay away from the strong lest the law had to tidy up something on the streets. I was rather of the opinion that the correct way to handle weak people was not to teach them such nonsense but to help them feel stronger, my point therefore being the assumption run on that we had all gotten accustomed to me, so they clash with a brick wall on finding out that some of us had not. I could never tell anyway, perhaps they take advantage of the way people behaved when there was distance in the relationship to perform this nonsense, but I have no idea when we agreed as human beings, that were going to live in a world where they could do it. On the power bits we hear them blab about endlessly, they really are a group of twats so twisted that the single interest in me is the way the Royal public image is set out to allow me access public problems and get down to the aspects that really affect me wherever I may be, the interest in question involved building communities that finger my bum to make money and acquire a good life and we know what the obscenities of what they are trying to do looked like in colloquial language, it really does need to stop getting on my nerves, especially when its entire existence is built around this nonsense as there is a sense that only others were meant to put up with it. The Politicians have also raised the idea that it is incredibly difficult to succeed at the Monarchy hence the fear it does not have a future but this is not the case – mine is mostly now a matter of some ageist idiots who want to be an Arch Prince as well, sharing my privacy with criminals and hoodlums and having fun with it when they are not yet complaining about there not being enough civil rights to go around, currently, I am preaching the warnings about the stupidities being performed with social activities concerning which both victims and perpetrators of crime had paid a price for it, there was a time the Police got involved, finished their investigation and moved it to the Law Courts which was also completed too, we are not yet talking about what will become of those of them that are close to retirement period, I am certain they will invent other fabulous ideas. The Point is that I for instance take my chastity very seriously and had developed from there into somebody that is allowed to support armed forces work – if I were to perform a series of actions that pushed these gits towards homosexuality the way that they pushed me, it would have been obvious that I was doing something else but in their case, even if that was obvious, they would be consumed by it, never mind that their understanding of what is the wrong or right thing to do is flawed, like Media presence helping them make the most of access to my career, with regards to which a little help from bank of mum and dad meant teenagers knew what I know with 100 times the financial success, therefore I was a bum and social write off which crashes my finances everyday. The rest of it was largely a matter of saying they did not wish to live in a world where they were expected to carry out a series of actions which showed they recognised their lords and masters and government and lived a life of financial limitations for it but we know that if an activity damages the general economy and somebody performed those actions to get rich in the past, those who want to perform it at the expense of government operatives whom they do not expect to enjoy a long life, on claims that they deserved a break because their lives were too difficult, about which they got off teaching others to do the same and built a crowd to facilitate the idea they were public leaders too, were looking for trouble, there are no lords at Masters at Government buildings, they had responsibilities that none will perform on their behalf.

They do speak of corruption which Libras perform as well and so am I aware of it, thus the position taken about the idea that when industry property owners assessed a sense that their industrial wealth was to be managed on the basis of a partnership with their Clients and customer communities, people could teach members of the public how to get free of a grinding life of poverty by showing them how to access some of that wealth in a legitimate manner, the gimmick where it is being done in a way that affects government interest or damages the economy or a gimmick where somebody says that they needed to find out if they had enough money for several lifetimes and spend some on such activities, thereby create government operatives life expectancy issues, will mean they will looking for trouble too. Much like they say I run a campaign to draw attention to Celebrity corruption but worked with Celebrities mysteriously never the less – of which in terms of the Celebrities, it was a matter of public enforcement workers doing their job, to which effect there was a blow back and if there was a celebrity campaigning against bullying for years in the area, they would likely try to get in touch, if I am offered terms, I take the terms unless I did not like their terms, even so the complications being that a risk of looking presumptuous existed, where I would end up making a celebrity more important than they really are which they would never give up when I wanted them to, so a bunch of idiots got off building their own gimmicks that relied on the idea that I had been presumptuous, to make money running off some fake news perceptions on public media, hence this need to eliminate the popular culture inflicted barriers on my finances, implying that I can only solve the problem of being tackled by well dressed hoodlums especially when I am at work, by attacking the producers directly until it stops. So it is usually to do with the way it was more complicated to get around to the way these idiots got off fighting law enforcement on behalf of their bitch libra with a big mouth, so we decided that since industry wealth owners were likely to manage the wealth on the basis of partnership with their client communities, it was the best way to make them pay for unwanted interest in our lives and the fact it was always so incredibly and life changingly insulting (does it became it had problems, need to solve those problems asap each time I am in discomfort, so I could demand more or another cluster of what its stupidities will take up to the top end up government to complain and shoot off its big mouth on Media for,  will be carried through pretty soon).

The theory we now see peddled is that infidelity was something all men thought about and all men did which is utter nonsense as infidelity was a habit, we know that it is usually a consequence of somebody seeing that the habit was taking root and doing nothing about it until it became part of their main daily concern. To which effect we will hear that the infidelity people felt was my fault and yes it was, as it shows up here to fool around with my concerns for a decade and a half so far, wrecked the University but never paid the fees then, now wrecks the career but does not pay the bills, I try to run a Bookshop everyday and end up with a situation in which the product of each campaign was a result where what people were made to think of the Bookshop had nothing to do with it, after which it decided that it married a wife and needed to go back home and possess it too. Even as we speak there is a sense that I ought to stop, whilst they have not yet decided how they want to keep their girlfriends off my asset maintenance processes and career publicity, have not decided how they want to keep the fingers of their foolish community off my private parts. So the point is quite clear that it is not true that all men cheat. The whole cheating thing is just one of many issues which take such a form – overall, none knows how many evidence they require to settle up on the fact they are not in charge and do not control anybody around here; as we can see that they are always complaining of women because only those in charge were able to walk into both communities for leadership purposes, but that is usually after the idea that I let their stupidities get the better of men and to end up attacking women whilst I am not a woman and they needed to stop handling career and product publicity if they were getting the authorities interested in their feelings on my account. The details of other issues of this kind involved the way that its community had power over me after years of insults, associated with a need to build a crowd that will abuse me in sexual context, whilst another group of idiots whose only skill involved pursuing the big salaries in other peoples companies will show up here to ensure the way that products after years of expense and development, were presented, were set out to affect my earnings in order to appeal to the public on the basis of equality, such that they became the character that will not show up here with their six figure salaries to buy and read a Book as much as they were interested in doing something about a community of idiots that were fingering my bum, which outcome is the point being raised that I did nothing about it, whereby I did nothing about it because the Politicians never stopped trashing my career to make me fight them again and again and again whilst keeping salaries that made them bullies, from a safe distance where they did not have to pay my Bills as well, total result being that the methods I deploy to keep the trouble makers off my concerns were now being used by the trouble makers to control them whilst they were in charge. These matters really are at its core something to do with an expression of what these idiots really thought of women i.e. that women were things and people were supposed to get pleasure from women but the way that bodies were made in shapes and sizes and those bodies reacted to pleasure ruined the pleasure for them, so majority of women were completely useless, shows up here to wreck University with it and did not pay the bills, fooling around with German influence gimmicks until it had to catch its breath at my expense and is now complaining about the need to cheat whilst it is working the same nonsense on my career and Bookshop products every day. The women on the other hand were good at ideas I am a coward and a man they could do with as they please, so stepping outside of my door was a license to shower me with enough insult that left me feeling exhausted, the entire time the lip flapping continued to suggest their stupid communities were made of men I needed to be afraid of whilst none really requested from them an opinion about my existence – having offered an exit for a bunch of idiots that are always good at starting such nonsense, where it gets to keep its mouth shut and show up here to read a Book, it continued to defy me with it and progressed to run short insulting videos it suggests is the way advertisement should be made, claiming to be backed by some German diplomacy influence. The Community it claims got the better of me were a bunch of fools who always loved to push up my stress levels by trying to live in a time when I did not respond to their stupidities, which is clearly not the history of their lives – it is now set to push towards a result where I wanted to wreck the stupid capital that shows up here to make me a character that people bullied to befriend the wealthy, set a stage for a reckoning with that stupid community as well which will convert it from something that is said to be their civil rights into something people officially got off the lies to accept was a threat to me and finish off with some response that will build up to a fight with the male population in a condition where I will be unwilling to listen to other people, due to a need to cause me illness by showing up here with a backup crowd to beat me down with distant violence and make me do what they want with my career and finances. The Politicians on the other hand were in charge naturally, it does seem that running off those gimmicks where information supplied the authorities about me by criminals was claimed to be fact was not being done from their well off neighbourhoods in which their interest in my Bookshop was more to do with rumours and lasciviousness which suggested they were more important and what was happening in my mind was their property, because they were too much a bunch of cowards to do it there.

It does raise the point that I had an unusual relationship with women, as we can see that they raised a conversation about the Doxy, having failed to work the Doxology as well but could not do it better than me on either side but I am not a woman and it needs to keep off my product and career publicity, if quite done with the insults, chances are when they had not stopped, I will considering their careers were so disobediently closely tied to what the prison service did, especially if they suggest that it was a behaviour born out of being provoked by my level of self-care.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland