I hear they say I am off to the Middle East fighting for spoils of war but that must be referring to some peace created from Armed struggle that terrorists have engaged in and I couldn’t make out how I would be fighting for that when I am a half priest Royalty and they have neither got more peace nor have they more privilege than I have anyway but then again they start and they start; and it is the same old story about people who want to get some revenge on my control of the media by taking away for themselves the power bits of my work and office which means nothing whatsoever as we have always known I give credence to their antics and that of every idiot that enlists them from vagabond royalty to media twits and popular culture goons as well as Political scum that should never be forgotten but then again it was never my idea, it was their idea to think they are so far superior to me they need to catalogue my life and ensure all I have will exist to serve them with a big mouth which creates wonder if they are presenting news or their backsides these days with that rudeness that is difficult to rival as it were.

At this point they like to say they are doing me a service which makes no sense when we all know they understand the wars in the middle east are not particularly controlled  by anybody but will travel there at my expense readily any time and all the time and talk nonsense about being hostages thereafter – then there is the part where they organise girls that will go out there and rip up people’s lives so they can make a few millions and buy them German super cars and entire department stores for instance which gives them vandals such motivation as makes them criminal all together and when they realise there are barriers here in the west they look to the Middle East and pretend terrorism is a problem that concerns everybody. So that when doing me a service is put in context they are talking about their Pop stars whereby the Court will tell me there is somebody in there and it will not be one of those jokes whereby it was me all along because they are actually in there making music CDs and tours and never ever listen to anything anybody says to them. I mean it’s a matter of the promises the Politicians make suggesting they only pick up a behaviour others don’t want to engage in and then go their way and leave others alone but these are indications that is fact as it were when we all know that as far as they are concerned the customer who have bought many products in the past and been served by many diverse enterprises in the past is actually stupid but that being the case they need to keep their attitude and use another person’s public work or business to sell their stupid products and I have had it to my neck since it was never right from day one in the first place.

There is no part of them that constitutes a problem here whatsoever, they simply like to way lay people and ambush people and it makes people so angry and there will be no ambushes around here either because there simply will never be an opportunity for it – so they can keep to the economic one and I can teach them lessons they will never forget for my part in the matter as well since leaving me alone was the easier option as it were.

So that the fact most arms used by terrorists comes from the US has never really been in doubt of course as it were; the reality being that whenever there is a state of affairs of people determining that a Country should become what its citizens have worked hard over years to make it into on an individual basis, the US is always there playing a role – it’s simply reality that they have so little successes to boast about. We do hear it’s a matter of angry socialists most of the time but I for my part understand I can refuse to react to what the media does with my work in order to make it go away but will not because they have already through this stories of insults and superiority extracted warnings from me in the past and so reputation is at stake here as well and they need to leave me alone or continue to face the consequences; after all we all know they are still doing it i.e. girls who have a need for links with fashion Industry and city centre people that will spend money on them and some sense of community with violent plebs that will help them bully others into giving up property equity so those can target me all the time and they can cash into my public work and firm to turn up in public to talk so much nonsense in my direction as well when I simply want them outside of the Royal property which I do not think is a matter that is up for conversation as well – so of course the test matter will be those stupid threats from pop stars without which they cannot cash into my work; the angry socialists and their need to attack religious people who like to steal ideas for wealth distribution from them and rob them of a Political career  for instance– it is as though what these fucking idiots do best is look for trouble and I intend to rip it all to bits as well; especially the bit about their view of violence, its apparently like some kind of crop in their view and when they plant their own they have exclusive rights to harvest but can plant it on your lands and in your life and harvest it from too if they wish, so they plant mine and cannot harvest it obviously while I pluck all of their own like some kind of full time job every day; I don’t need any services from them that the sex industry by the way are working twice as hard and fighting twice as hard to do for me completely free of charge so they can get off to sell their own products as it were – as I said from day one it was always unacceptable and right up to this moment as well – the customer that has had a long history of being served and is spending his or her own money on your stupid products is never stupid. It feeds into that stupid story about redistribution of world’s wealth and world’s power to suit them; as ever I am being targeted so the primary feature is that I cannot breathe as it were.

They do say I am unaware of where power lies and therefore have an inability to understand the need for politicians to compete and share what I own but it will never make any sense since all I want is my academic work space and a process of being left along to run around my Royal concerns without being interrupted; they however have created all that nonsense to express their stupid and incredibly destructive nature they think will be condoned on grounds of competition by reducing me from a student with a Royal Estate, to somebody that is unemployed, as if that government and treasury funds were their possessions and so was the government office to be used on such personal vendetta now they have begun to show signs they think it has substituted reality: I have never thought of it as a crisis, only that the Politicians need to keep their insults to themselves – I mean the company is another story in its own right i.e. I understand the guy who cycles around the world has a right to have sponsors and advertisement deals but they will share mine if I stop a terrorist war in the Middle East with community low lives to foster their Political career and have explanations for it as well which I like to think they bring up because they do not have any wish as at the current situation to keep off my temper as well. I mean they regularly get out of bed to get on public places and whip up a Crowd to savage my company itself and destroying everything around here, they even have the effrontery to get out there and claim it is designed to aid their image and body language when they are discussing political matters concerning wealth and social inequality, so that those who want to support these things can start with that as it were. And as for their people, those are very fond of claiming I stick my good fortunes into other people’s faces and court trouble in the process just like black women and girls would like to have another explanation for their actions save the truth which is that winding me up does them more good that passing exams and somebody must use government office to help them combine the two hence they have a real problem listening to anything anybody says to them and fancy themselves bullies as well; whereas the reality is that they are always after me and I am always helping them find out what it is they heard or have seen and are therefore after so we can find out what it is exactly they are going to do: I mean their Politicians regularly talk nonsense all the time in this their stupid country where we have lots of black fools with English accents they think makes them really educated and cannot keep their hands off others and their stinging insolent tongues in their cheeks, about how people stab others on account they have nothing to do with themselves and the play grounds may be disused, so if I get stabbed on this I do wonder what they will say to it as well anyway. In the end the reality is that it will be hard to believe although it is the truth, that what has developed into a need for Politicians to get on public places and whip up a crowd to squander my possessions then talk nonsense about competition that nobody is preventing them from conducting was first started with peer pressure over sex, especially concerning something I have said about taking a fancy to women that are older than I am but will never have anything to do with black women:- they however have their own explanations and as usual it is my fault and I cannot have my royal estate and academic environment free from their unfathomable and destructive stupidities at Government office, so we end up with complains about what I have done to peoples parties because I pluck their own as well as if it was some full time job and when the season comes around again I pluck again – all of it, while their lower class idiots seem to be quite  happy with this arrangement where each time I see them anywhere near my work or possessions, they will know all there is to be known about it so we can find out what it is they want and can do and they can find out what I am going to do to them as well and stop assuming that I have left an incentive so they can make all that noise about how I am to blame as well. 

They do say I am an idealist that is blaming his problems on everybody and making the same mistakes they made about living because they must tell others how to live especially when those are people who are determined to make their fight their corner or possibly make them fight for everybody and evils of capitalism somewhere else like I am. I am not an idealist, I am a realist in actual fact; what is really happening here is that these guys become ever so determined to ruin people’s lives just so they can force them to create a product on which their entire incomes will depend and then others can play up some racism by making sure it never gets sold. So a combination of the fact I am a grown up that will never stop working for it because cash flow crisis is not nice , their determination for their part and of course the fact I am talented concerning which I never signed any contract with them that allows them to turn up here and make a tortured soul out of me for it and pretend it is a right they always get away with at the other end, means that achieving the level of damage that will cause that kind of dependency will take years and they have already taken up 15 of my time to the tune of such consequences as a shutdown of areas and loop holes that they normally take advantage of to make some quick million or two in the backyards of Industry communities meaning that their children are worse off as well. So it is the reality here that they will never stop and neither will I and people need to stop negotiating the matter pretending I buy my Media equipment so people can talk through to me with it; they will never stop hurting and harming me for not letting them use my work and possessions as they see fit and completely free of charge and I will never stop executing wrath and ruin for every pain as well. I don’t think it is a massive problem; it’s just that for people to achieve an outcome where they handle products they do not wish to buy which nobody is forcing them to as well and damage the business to make the owner depend on their custom so that they might withdraw it to express their racism and discrimination as the case may apply, they need to handle the products and squeeze the products and abuse the products and check out the products and mess up the image and the intellectual property and the market – so the problem becomes the old question of what those who pay money for the products expect from me its seller and creator. They would like to say I am an idealist doing my religion thing and blaming people for my problems instead of course; always better still if they keep off the Literary Empire and its Royal Estate naturally: when they are being mild in their behaviour it can be as simple as a commotion ripping up everything as a result of a fat boy preferably standing up on a Bridge to issue threats at some fool who likes to make claims to knowing rich people he has never met but for the girls its largely about explaining your business away when you have never asked them to as some contraption put together to extricate pocket money from the rich people they know hence fundamentally harmful to them business cycle after business cycle, doing advertisement and media and fame and fortune and easy life with it too, pretending I am an idealist that is blaming others for my problems. I cannot seem to live my own Church and moral books business in a condition where they do not exist apparently and yet they complain about the part where I am in their head as well and they are missing me - so they do like to make such stories out all the time but it has never been a crisis here in any case, only the reality they do need to leave me alone and keep off my books or we will always find out what they will do about it and I have never ended up being the one to complain; none of it is magical, they are women whose insults know no limits and if I don't hear their berating and abuses and booing when they are handling my possessions to make advertisement and public appearances that provide them money and self-improvement, they will have nothing to complain about for instance, their sense of being in the right is understood of course, it is concerned with the fact they have problems all their lives and people like me simply turn up to add to it but then again it was their idea to make people like me a bullying victim in the first place. They are bad company you see and their case beats me all the time since I was of the impression being entangled with them was always going to be a function of thinking you are an idiot who has a low tolerance for your own problems hence you get off to do things like binge drinking at 12 pm every day to act as if when somebody breaks a bottle over your head or rapes you it’s all magical stuff, I never knew it could be imposed on others from government office with intent on changing their quality of life, so it seems they are now in a place where separating me from my wealth is a check box that needs to be done and then getting away with it after that and if that happens the west will be a part of the world they will never recognise as well for of course every single person that is likely to disagree with what I will do after that is watching what they are doing here too. They do say the problem is that of kids who need their money but do not wish to accord them power they deserve; cannot make it out either since I had long decided the black ones will be the ones getting out there to fight the white man for my civil rights because I want to spend my time selling my books instead and yes the question does show up as to what I may do if they are customers of mine, which entirely is a matter of what it is exactly they want as it were; I mean the purpose of all their involvement with me is to make use of me to better themselves claiming I have it all and should not be preventing others from getting inspired otherwise there is a human rights problem I create which I really have no means of backing up, so I do not see that it is about buying books I write anyway and I know it is also about making noise that nothing I say ever brings about progress in my condition that they inflicted - they say its freedom and democracy and that on that basis they have a right to hurt me mortally for preventing or stopping them. They speak of the changes I have brought about and how they have been affected by it but that turning up to get inspired by me and my work instead of buy my books is not the only thing they do which is bad for business, there is one that tops the list all the time i.e. I suffer at their stupidities like I do because they do not want a Monarchy anymore (they do say I need to support those who hate it if I do not want it myself but I never said I did not want it myself anyway - people cannot just decide in their wasteful foolishness that they can get rid of an executive simply because they do not want it anymore but it’s an example of how these white idiots and their black friends normally think their foolishness is an expense others are predisposed to foot as it were: an executive is removed if it has done something criminal or cannot do the job or oppresses people; the Parliament is Sovereign and the Monarchy does none of these three and they can rip up my books any time over any excuse they want and then we will not have a result from that too). They do say there is a problem with Minor Royals making trouble but of course that has never been an issue, they can rip up my books if they want over any excuses they like too and there will be no problems - after all people always have to choose between their side or the side of those that have given them a bad experience because they are other people’s personal gods..

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland