Eventually I am told I will never make progress with myself until it is clear what my position on racism is but it will always be as insulting as the fact they all have two jobs and one job is set to provide them means that causes them to be so abusively arrogant and insulting, while the other involves telling other people how to exist, so it goes without saying I have had enough of it as well and so being helpful will be where I point out my position on racism as one which says that what white people say about racism is likely to be the correct thing as racism is what white people do – the rest will now have to live with the fact there are people in the world who can prevent liberals and socialists from peddling a personal life and public image to make fame and fortune and this is one such people – none peddles my faith or personal life or public image, what people now have do is accept what it is and move on. Whenever I put the question back to them about their own position on racism what they say means nothing save if I decided to pay attention to the part about being smaller than racists are but bigger than I am, which means it’s all a matter of opportunity, just as they have become a bigger problem for the Police than the actual criminals themselves these days, especially because the Politicians continue to claim they have a civil right that looks that way – so they are victims of crime but the existing opportunity facilitated by Politicians who spend tax payer funds to tear up finances and academic work their victims own while spending more of it to help them make money and counter any argument that suggests they are really stupid has now paid dividend, the Politicians have now ended up with what they would fancy the society they lived in to be like, so when they bother me the answer is still the same i.e. I have no administrative power and was not elected by the Public.

The other excuse of course is largely that I have created this sense of a future that is not friendly to younger people but yes I have as their whole lives have now been built around their hands in my bum all day while they develop insults and scandals which facilitate the process alongside the need to get me into a fight with gangs and criminals because they believe themselves to have the physical features of people who should be getting famous, while the other ethnic minorities telling me I will never make progress with myself until my position on racism is clear were here before me even when I am twice their age and was born in the UK; hence I am shutting it all down. I gather they say they cannot understand what is happening with my mind whenever I get off to point out these insults are building up to another secret they will not let me keep, with respect to the fact I am unable to process the existence of their popular culture and Celebrity culture while they have gotten quite used to winding me up after tearing up my Book sales, to get me talking about racism instead of the damage they have done to my Book but then again which there is nothing to talk about as we usually see them make out I am a breach between two worlds while I am really unable to detach from incessant ideas on public control; so it is becoming quite intolerable the need they have to tell me how I must exist. It’s never been a complicated matter, same old case of people doing anything it takes to get rich quick as usual but the story so far is that the need to threaten me is what has created this outcome where those that can beat up will not stop praising themselves and those that cannot will not stop hurting themselves, the need to rip up my Book sales and poke questions about where I stand on racism is about to bring on new results which they claim I would not mention where it really mattered but the reality if rather that we are soon going to hear them complain about the fact I simply will not stop pulling their stupid legs too. These people are not a threat to me like they think they are; what happens is that five people have an idea and a vision, build a company and make it very big successfully, employ a CEO they can afford to pay a 6 figure salary, CEO has more money than he needs and spends it on popularity canopies to help me work on his Bosses Intellectual property; the laziest aspects of this being where the popular culture and Celebrity madness emerges and shows up here to clip my finances all day with Political support behind it, issuing stupid threats; my mind is unable to process it you see and they are getting on my nerves again.

I do get told I know what to do about it but never do anything definitive, firstly which I plan not to as I do not have official power to set Pubic policy but so do we hear it is the power that workers have over me and these questions about racism are meant to be oppressive and yet some will say that some of the work I have to do for my Office is pitiful all together; so to be clear we find that the more respectful of the parents I am is the more I am told that I am being respectful because I want others to do violent things that will protect me which then clashes with the fact I am respectful because I am a Christian and it will not be enough to stand before God on Judgement day and say that you withdrew respect from society people and sinned on account that was their position, leaving me inundated with the problems the worst parts of their society and lets them run off this nonsense about claiming my Public image for themselves i.e. it is mean to be insulting. The Children on the other hand were here before me even when I am twice their age and want to talk through to me all the time, so it is starting to get serious and about to become a problem that is added to the already existing one that involved living in an environment where I get to decide what they do with their time, so that they become too old for it, realise it is embarrassing to ask and then the business of finding violent ways of putting pressure on me because they wish to ask me for something that will be difficult for me to give them ruining everything around here will give way to frustration of wasted youth who know they are beyond the age for what they wish to ask every time that they ask it as it were. They do say it is impossible to see how I could hate the popular culture and Celebrity culture when it has produced some very successful and important people but so do we know to say the least that every buxom secretary in the City wants to back the behind of my head each time they see me because they were meant to be super stars if they did not get married to their Husbands. The point is, I need to exist as they have determined over the racism issue and so they have come to enjoy wrecking my Book sales to ensure I respond accordingly, I am issuing a warning then that it is getting on my nerves if they are already complaining about previous actions that followed up their behaviour in the past as it were.

They do claim my prognosis that what the white man says about racism is likely to be the truth is utter nonsense but we all know it’s a matter of dependency – usually everything that gets you depending on the White Man which will facilitate racism is brought about by Politicians and everything which protects you from it is taken away by the Politicians, so when they have one just gives up because it seems that they have done their jobs and what they have done is what they think the world that they live in should look like. However beyond this is the fact that any racial discrimination is usually something that you can tackle and contain save the discrimination that racists have picked up from the Liberals and the ethnic minorities which is about your tummy and your anus and gets you to smell like your loo, living in a world where you understand what is coming to you if your refused to co-operate with their needs or demands – it is the one where you are unable to concentrate on anything you are trying to and I believe my warning here are very clear, besides which we have never really been told of what they think about racism as a whole anyway, we know they like to get beaten up or hurt by racist over somebody else’s property so Politicians might force the victims to share. I for my part have been told what people are saying is that I am very poor but their need to stuff their pockets with cash that exists to ensure Business and Governments are doing property based concerns on time, means that an Arch Prince’s existence is now being judged according to their own standards because the insults will not go away unless I make it and they will not give me a breathing space if I do not take for myself; so my cash flow issues really needed to give somebody a headache before it was over. It feeds into this business of what I think about sex workers; which is nothing out of the ordinary in terms of these matters, as it is never a talking issue all together, whereby I am fresh out of Church, met a Prostitute that saw me enjoy my Church business and the main point of friction between me and a Prostitute as fresh out of Church is that she does not want me talking up her own Church business simply because she is out there doing prostitution – it does bring home the need to listen to what people are actually saying and to say Faith and Courage for yourself and others most of the time instead of pushing people down.

There is this case of violence against professional and High end Training and Skills NHS Staff thing going on but I rather think it is happening because of a certain group of NHS Staff that spend most of their time telling other Members of the Public how to exist and behave and it’s usually mostly to do with telling people who are looking after self that they were sirens that needed to shut it down considering that when they go on like that the Police shoot somebody and they have to patch the person up wherefore it is advisable to stop acting like one when you have never had to patch up somebody that has been shot by the Police. So eventually they always end up saying I am a coward but it’s an old story where they need shoot off their obscenities and do some cocky moves somewhere else as I have had enough of it for my part; we are here because they hate my guts and they hate my guts because my body type has stopped but also provided leadership on the business of people’s lives providing them an atmosphere in the Country which lets them go about their nefarious concerns without smelling like their loo, so this whole case of annoying people to stick other NHS Staff in the middle of a storm sits at the centre of it. They always say I started it by picking a fight with people that are bigger than I am but it is the same way I start it and run away just like being a University drop out Prince while they tell me everybody now knows what they have done to me and they are providing leadership that will ensure the Public got a piece of it, at the same time which I mess with the Celebrities that played a major part in the mess they have made here because I am lucky and each time I show up at an academic institution the business of my head and chest and bottom feeling sore all the time until an atmosphere is created to allow hoodlums who parents can pay fees to show up and acquire a piece of me talking nonsense on the streets that calls people to a fight until people fall ill carries on without limits. Sometimes it is given a benefit of doubt, but we soon find what they are doing with it all is talking like daddies at the work place while pushing people’s stress levels through the roof over their need to engage with stock markets. So I have been making sure an atmosphere of Country that protects them from cracks which makes them smell like their loo has been eliminated as well; war they say will be the consequence of my actions but I do not remember writing their Books nor indeed have they ever given me a reason my bottom hurts or indeed why they are always making a mess of my patents over their need to get rich quick and marry the best women which will help them preserve their genes because they are beyond everybody else instead of picking up a copy of Books they can easily afford as it were. This is where the business of Liberal America as a problem comes into the picture; they say they will never allow me a moments peace because both my friends and enemies work for them but I have put their stupid Liberal America stress levels beyond the roof as well and it has not stopped, so we are looking at one of those cases whereby while you do it for yourself it is never good enough for them until the world’s only super power has to take it up. The government has also expressed the need to handle proper processes of Policy on the matter but there are none save the old gimmick about how they are out of everybody else’s league, we are bums, they need to get rich quick because they deserve it and marry the women who are their size to preserve their genes – so it never allows others a moments peace and while complaining is still a lying cheating violent peeping tom, so I like to say if I do not talk like these the whites will never beat up the blacks and get told to deal with some National enemy and that they will soon have to progress from giving me reasons my bottom hurts after 17 years of being hounded every day and the a closure after that; it’s nothing unusual – they always give themselves two jobs and one brings the money that gets to their heads while the other is like a sci-fi movie with tentacles extending from their fingers to wrap around my body that is not vulnerable to being cracked and then the lying the accusation and the violence associated with popularity and bullying gimmicks will begin from there and never stop even when they are complaining. So we see    the same at the NHS, keep your mouth shut lest the police shoot somebody since you are too much of a low life to study and pass your exams so you might have a medical career where you patch up people that the Police has shot but the Politicians must act when they get beaten up. They do say it’s the only way to protect themselves from the authorities but so do the authorities say that what I have pointed out here is a whole ecosystem of antisocial and criminal behaviour – the way it affects me of course is that economic crisis means they drive around those stupid cars employing criminals in the neighbourhoods and telling me they wish to live that way on my time, talking like daddies and performing stock market acrobatics, which means I will die of heart disease by 50 years of age to be fair, likewise we see there is nothing wrong with me as even the processes that will facilitate my ability to learn is firmly secure, so I only need go to an academic institution and pass the exams but I cannot because they make me smell like my loo, build up my personality and get hoodlums to pay some fees on it, so churning my tummy never stops. So they complain of what I have done as well but that was just the business of being the guy who walked into Church and had them all over his case to decide what becomes of his academic work and finances, now that they are complaining which he wants to punish them all the time; it’s all very, very amusing too thereof. Hence the story of violence against NHS Staff because they spend their time going too far with it, also endearing themselves to barely criminal community croons but in the end when they say I am a nightmare, it is largely because it never stop insulting me – something to do with solving my problems which gives it the right to pass insults at me and show me what it has taken from me via the insults, so when I do not like it very much the insults get completely out of hand but when it finally starts to think it has settled up on what to do with stock markets without bothering me, I had lost my mind and want my time back so I begin my own insults to sell Books too because it hurts so much. They do claim that everything just appears to be confusing when I am involved with any of it and yes they are since we see that they never say they spend their time putting their hands up my bum as I walk down the streets to make me smell on account we are adults and our thoughts are fluid which then gives their stupidities necessary and needed access, we hear instead that this is what happens when you are studying some Course at an Academic institution, so that what goes on in my mind then runs around making these things look like clever deeds and very complicated for a government that wants to enforce Public civility to follow up and it’s the same with what they have worked with LGBTQ to do with my academic work and finances on account they wish to deploy my personality and public image for the purpose of building new forms of queer sex i.e. spent 15 years of my time to achieve a process of what they can say is the way they want the academic work and finances of those who have attended Church to be treated but they have not yet said that this is their achievement, they have instead said that what my position on racism is needs to be determined, besides which I am in league with racists; so it has always been their biggest problem that they simply cannot let people be i.e. when they are off to doing the Celebrity riches or Media dream jobs etc, they last 5 minutes and then they want to home, cannot stop blowing off their big mouth at me because of it. I mean I do get told my whole life is now about survival which is not the way it should be but it’s not that sort of worrying survival as such, it’s a case of the fact that I can do things that I would not normally do with my own life, now that people have handled what matters to me such as my books income to make me live in their own. They do claim I need to see it as a compliment and yes I did, hence wrote a Book that supported them at Stock Market trading to be told they do not have time to read it even though they need it and have built a crowd that will levy matters of cowardice on me and get the contents alongside other things I know without reading it. I do get told that I need to address the root cause of these matters not tinker with little facts and of course the little facts might be a case of what I have mentioned above, still the root cause is the same case but in a different form; this time it’s the new Liberal America Alliance with Muslims which is specifically built to show how much they hate the British when their bottom hurts because they are playing the stupid games that Muslims invent around money to ensure they had everything if they were spared the trouble by those who worked it. Obama will say he hates me because I never leave the women issues and yet since then, he has made an alliance with Muslims on account he hates my guts over it, we are now on par with each other on the world stage and women have not stopped doing what they used to do. I mean people would not sell everything they were trading by in a single day but they discriminate against women who take time off work at certain intervals over maternity matters – they want people to tell them what they need to know and not what they want to hear but they think women should not have money or Public standing because women do such things and the list goes on endlessly but the one that really gets to me is that these fools will rather tear up my academic work and finances than just say they do not wish to be women and do not wish to know about female issues because it is a wholly different and probably painful lifestyle – so we are here because when people understand I will stuff their heads with what I known and bring depression on them when they handle my work and make a mess of my patents, the process never works as a trading parameter because these fools have got their own paid up media jobs. They like to say I will never get out of the current situation which is utter nonsense; I mean if they had decided to take a position that is real on these female matters for a change, they might want to get off it and tell me they wish to confiscate my Public image with that big mouth they have got, like hate the British. The reality is that they exist at the laziest part of what happens when a CEO spends some of his salary at popularity to work business public image and expect to threaten me into walking away from market I have built for my Books when I have work outsourced to me – it was always going to lead to an outcome where people spend money on them in order to hurt me and this alongside the idea their Capital is supposed to come from the Government is where we actually are, it can move on whenever I want it to as it were and is really getting on my nerves of recent; so I play with it all the time because the way it makes a mess of me tends to push me back to the question of walking away from a process of visiting on them the effects that occurred when Dad reduced my pocket money on account he had won less contracts than usual for the month but if I did it on time, I will never cure the reasons for their push comes to shove attitude which I am paying the price for because they are working for an Establishment while I am working for myself. They do tend to remind us all that since we are not beating them up for these stupidities and the insults they hope will influence people into letting them do what they liked, visiting violence on the most badly-behaved children must be one of the cruellest things to do in the whole world. I do get asked if these matters affect me so badly because people are able to push me around but it is not a matter of being pushed around, it’s a matter of the number of times that a normal person sits about thinking of getting involved with Media along with its popularity culture and or indeed getting into a fight with some goons that work in it but when these vandalism of property and difficult existence and distraction from Royal concerns and insults have happened to violently and for such a period of time as these, one must make space for it, secure some time for it and begin the process of doing so.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland