Of course I am naturally aware of the tales told, especially by prospective toy boys and Industry goons that I am like a stray dog but there is really nothing about me that is like that - the reality is that these idiots afore described seem to have an uncanny inability to be satisfied with anything they have; the incentive is just there that when you have money to spare the possessions of others who are poorer are simply a temptation that you can only resist if it does not exist - so when they see the business leverage of a person who is less well off than they are such as myself, the spoiled nature comes into play and having it becomes a heart’s desire i.e. typical scenario, his or her niece and granddaughter come to visit this week - beautiful women, stocky and big and they came in Miniskirts and the entire town saw them travel and when they arrive and pay their respects life looks up but when I have a Court with female journalists and other allies, they have a problem, the problem being that they are so rich I would not mind any damage they did here taking my Christian tolerance completely out of context like their stupid children complain about the consequences of the outcome of pretending a Christian should be thinking their cars are as important as God and needs to be unemployed and cash strapped to a point where he notices them onto such an extent, so that the outcome is that they assume everybody will respond to them in the same way that idiots who suck up to them that I really cannot stand around my book sales with that stupid media and Popular culture they deploy endlessly with a sense that others can never have enough of them, it causes great thought the part where I would not mind the damage they do here because they are so rich, as to whether they got rich by being so stupid.

For my part I think I am done with them; the Politicians and the society idiots, all of whom have the same characteristic i.e. very intimate insults that can make you ugly because their nice little earners are top of the food chain of which it is never surprising they come from areas of the world where there is or has been in the past some form of institutional discrimination some of which degenerate into genocide and so on - it is therefore okay for them to seek their Media salvation and we will never get along but we all know it is not that simple, they always like to make out they are evil and that the devil is powerful and that I am having what I am not worthy to while they are made blind to what their rights are and it is the same old case of those they can over power and what it means to them financially but it is the touching me bit I will never stop punishing - reality is supposed to be take care of your women, they have a problem and in the end want to become famous for taking care of their own at your expense and the evil nature of their women eats them up which is not your fault and this is how it is supposed to be not all kinds of nonsense all over the world about me getting punished by them every day with that mad media, now the politicians are involved and it is financially beneficial too but for them it should always end with personal life complains and that is how that should be too, not Political insults all over the world that continues because those who banter it expect to be rewarded. It is never true I care about them in some way; I simply had to ensure the hatred for me goes public so as to ensure that I do not bump into things at work: the natural thing to do is to keep them away from wealth and when their plans for it operates at your expense take it personally of which in my case the end product is to finish the job and write the books and get them sold to people at the Royal Estate and Literary Empire and its various trust systems to those who may want to read the stories or simply to those concerning whom the facts and equity apply but when Politicians ensure that is the case with the help of media and then set about making sure they have access to public funding trust systems at the Civil service you really do have trouble controlling how angry you get.

So, dealing with expressively physical hatred people have for what patents do to them in terms of handling your possessions is usually best settled when you keep Media and Politicians and Celebrities and White people away from a Company your way or theirs.

It’s like that story of sexual abuse and a need people have to make me do something about it because the filth heaped on me will offer their stupidities the best western and democratic freedom self-improvement enforced by their foolish leaders who think I am being oppressed by them but of course it has always been a reality that the story of sexual abuse being settled according to how modern society becomes is utter nonsense, the reality instead is a matter of changing attitude due to the outcome of sexual abuse cases in Court being all about discussing one person’s private parts while that of the other is ignored bearing in mind there were two private parts involved, so since this is the only way to seek and find justice in such matters it is always best to do all in your power to avoid sexual abuse which is why some take the view women are responsible when it happens to them; does it then mean that a change in such attitudes have led to a degradation of sexual abuse justice? Well they know better - and it is way more complicated than life in an environment where sexual abuse is around the corner, it goes far into a process of organising your own sexual abuse through orgies and twosomes which you make videos from and circulate for all to see then pretend the state of affairs will only work when it is used to attack statesmen you want to target to get rich with your violent laziness and will affect nothing else.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland