The story of being responsible for turning the Monarchy against the people is largely based on a delusion created by these fools that I am eternally grateful for being given a position of privilege that few others have even seen let alone touched or owned and that I can never stop showing that along with my excitement. The reality is rather that I have spent some time during my teenage years with scripture Unions and I have with Protestant Churches and I have with Methodists since my parents were Methodists and I have with many American type churches and I still cannot bring myself to stave off my temper when their girls come to Church dressed in short pants and miniskirts and men’s clothing because Go looks into the heart only for example and so on, they know that but as usual the normal of clinging to people means they cannot let me live my own life they want to take away the Church take away the Monarchy and fulfil a need by forcing me into their own arena. The problem is that people do not pay too much attention to the activities of a collection of football idiots and Media idiots and Politics idiots who think I am out to please them and that nothing I do ever will with that big mouth talking nonsense about how people like me should be made to lose our royal offices and then followed on and have everything else we do with our lives taken away while they who are poorer and need it get to own it hence their motivation especially the Politicians who one moment want a history where they are better than you and the next a process where they come from the grimes of society is their biggest asset spewing insults absolutely everywhere at absolutely everybody about some revolution they want, so I can only say that their involvement with my concerns mean they want to get to that point where they have my body parts in their parliament before they feel they are powerful enough to get down to the affairs of the day as it were with all that nonsense about thinking they are evil and have got it going with a big mouth as it were – few people pay attention therefore to the fact these kinds of fools could only come from a part of the world where all people do is drink and smoke and commit crimes and hence are convinced they will keep fucking around with my office forever and that nothing will happen as a result and we have been there before and they have used that stupid media of theirs to recover only to start yet again as it were; these guys cannot leave people alone and it really does come down to two issues i.e. first being the tales their Politicians love so much of how I do nothing to represent them which is why a democratic system is preferred on account it represents them whether or not they smoke drink and commit crimes as a basic way of existing, whereas the reality is that I do and more so from my own Royal Property hence do not get paid by them and it is the Politicians that actually take it up for them and get elected by them to handle their issues, thereby consulting them over their problems and gathering facts to make legislation that becomes law and is enforced at the Law Courts to solve their problems not mine but we will never ever see them give a valid reason for living the useless existence they do nor will we ever see them give a valid reason for thinking they will keep messing around with my office and seen around my book sales forever.

The other part of the story is usually the most common of them all i.e. they do these things because they want to be able to find somebody they can push into a bubble where no rules will apply because he has consented to tolerate all kinds of rubbish from them so that they might steal anything they want and thereby have anything they desire in a condition where there are no rules and it gets to a point when they cannot seem to do anything without channelling it in my direction and I have taken that culture and that society and broken it before and they have rebuilt it with media and I will break it again and break them alongside it in the process as well the way we are going; I mean the only way to make money in this world has always been to get a job and to work for it and the next time I see them around my books after the publishing of this blog, I will start to act proactively on this matter. I have softened the football ones so they can play football like that before and they have talked all kinds of rubbish about strength and future all over the place until they recovered on media and I am going to do it again to keep my office from them, as for the media, I have no idea which one the idiots there are presenting anyway maybe it’s the bottom all together as it were but I am sure they will not be messing with this office any further and not staying off the books will always mean the greater chance they are where matters will blow up in their faces as well. These guys cannot leave people alone as we all know and will never be free of me too.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland