The great old story of Politicians doing us all a favour by doing the jobs that we got together to pay them to do is at the heart of this matter; it was supposed to be as simple as saying to Business Man, I am government and I have my own job to do that I don’t want you to ruin for me as equally as you do not expect me to ruin yours by not co-operating – the Policies are meant to ensure workers are okay and that you are okay as well because no Political and social stability will mean no business and that is bad for my taxes as well as equally as it is good for your profits and then set off to make Polices that ensure workers are paid good wages and employers are getting good service for their pay and that ends the story but we end up in a place where each time it is raised that they like to pretend they are doing us a favour by doing their jobs and that it is not the job but the favour they are doing us all by doing it, they turn to the story of the need to preserve and protect the future of Politics. This is usually another set of nonsense that has nothing to do with what was mentioned earlier anyway obviously as the facts show but in terms of the future of Politics the reality is still much the same as the fact we will never get to the bottom of it – after all if that is measured against the fact they are doing us a favour by doing their jobs, then the reality turns to the fact that a socialist MP lives in a mansion while a White van guy is forced to protest in front of it with his St George’s flag that makes him a subject of abuse because they have no respect for us as people, the same reality that means you are forced to ask them how it is you voted for the future they are now having to themselves hence they live in a mansion and you in a council flat, no regard for the fact that we have to get out of bed every day and find a way to ensure that our bills are paid and do everything to ensure that is the case as well – so that the reality remains that they can mess with that too as much as they like if they think it is will funny enough to amuse them the outcome of what happens when they do. So sometimes I do get the question come through of how far I intend to take this my case against Politicians but it is a measure of a reasonable person thinking about how far he would go if he was made to get stuck in the middle of some game Politicians are playing to ensure criminals win their way back to the good books of the authorities by picking on and attacking a religious person that takes his religion too seriously which reaches a stage where they are competing among themselves on such things as how if Thatcher had a Riot Tony Blair must have a Riot as well so that there might be balance when they are having debates – so those who ask that question need to consider it is still going on this very second and think about what they would do.

I am not saying it is a serious matter I was talking about how they could easily set Policies to level up working conditions for people and to ensure that it is not hell among the work force but rather think people need to campaign first because if they did that they would be doing them a favour which is why I am asking why they are doing a paid job then if the premise for doing it is so flexible? They said they do such things to preserve the future of their Politics and I am saying the fucking future of Politics alright and we will never get to the bottom of it hence a re-run of the facts. There is the same old case as ever of I will go into government office and ensure your livelihood is prohibited because I want it and so it is important to consider realities such as you damaging it before I get to have it and in order to prevent that need to wreck the business and finances and preserve the job I want that is in your hands until I locate a way to have it and in the mean time you live on benefits and I use that to ensure you understand what will happen to you if you try to get in my way – the one behaviour every single day, so that it comes down to the part where every damage they do to my business since I have always loved to ignore them and what they want to do with their time and so on means it is trophy victory for them and for me something about which they ought to run from me or hold fast to the government job or lose it to their peril; after all it’s been a decade and I normally cut out that amount of my time and give it away as it were – so when I speak of them doing us favours by doing their jobs they can keep telling me they are preserving the future of Politics, so that when they are asked how they live in mansions when others voted for that future together it will become a lot of serious as it were.

As for the other miscellaneous things I get told means I am an evil person making out I am loved by the public when I did no such thing – the reality being the illusion that I am most concerned about the welfare of the general public which means that I can be betrayed by idiots left right and centre anytime they want – example of a celebrity that is always seen wanting my public service and income along with my personal life doing what she does best and what they do best all together for the men as well but before I do anything the biggest problem is the fat idiots who think they are as good looking as the celebrities as well, which of course is why they are put in their place so they can clown around wanting my personal life like the celebrities do, thereby seeing what my own looks like as well. You can always say they have a point but in my place the religious purity I stole from their race since I was an Arch Prince was always the last straw – they claim it is competition they won and the football ones think we have moved on. Just like the want my income seniority black ones with a vendetta against the Royal family that is to be taken out on me because I have a different opinion about how much I should earn in life as compared to them who cannot along with their block head rich idiots make their own advertisement or popular culture without getting involved with my personal life or livelihood to do so on a daily basis – the insults being an expression of the fact they can dip their filthy hands into any area of my life with a big mouth of which nobody knows what they are complaining about as well and their stupid women as well of which are never up for conversation, they now know how much the hate my guts with all that nonsense to prevent me from harming them while media helps the boasting and abusing and later confiscation of income and domination with a big mouth.


We do hear of the story of women of course, which is not applicable, unless we are talking about the fact every time you have to deal with a higher power that is tugging at you to make your share your income its women – so it can make you very angry indeed over time because it gets violent and abusive in sexual context for obvious reasons; I don’t think it’s a problem, it’s a matter of seeing them develop some stupid leisure economy from it which stems from those claims I have damaged their culture and history and society which culture and history and society turns up here to get damaged when they have located somebody who attends church to sell out to rich people in order to make money no matter where they are – hence the story of providing for others in ways that take it out of them and will really make me feel they need to complain about developed economy bullying when those leisurely nonsense turn up alongside those media insults, which purpose have always been to extricate some 'does not know which way to turn to avoid the pain that gets him whenever we want' story; in the end of which some people say it is entertaining but for me at home I pay attention but outside I never will, hence the magical way in which democratic oppression tends to express the way it is sorted out when you do have enough; if it is not doing that be it male or female, then it has nothing to do with the violent evil of women that they are so insane they think goes unnoticed until they had extricated what they wanted, making them as dangerous as extremists and always means somebody will die sooner or later which is why Politicians love it so much then complain all the time as it does make them powerful as it were - hence there is no such thing as encouraging extremism on my part by being confused about what I know. They do claim I am in a lot of pain from being handled seriously by them which is not true; I enjoy a lot of publicity you see, so it is important to ensure the process where they listen to me whether they like it or not is preserved while a process where I listen to them in public is actually counterproductive, so I am happy to listen to their stupidities at home instead and so the men have a way of pushing it on as it were and then wondering about the part of democracy that sorts the issue in mystical ways; when it comes to it, it’s a matter of wrecking my Royal Hospitality and then wondering what will happen to their Political ones or the rest they have in Industry communities and the issues they have to deal with at their own traders hospitality, so we can see it is as provocative as new leisure Industries a higher power will collect my hospitality for them to make money with and so on, I simply do not pay attention so people do not think I encourage extremism: I am not in pain, it’s a matter of these their stupidities which beat the imagination getting to me all the time no matter how hard I try to catch it or block it off from inflicting its harm and that is a matter of its frequency, variation and intensity and when you do explore the nature of justice and evil you will realise why they must be seen working such corruption; unless you set time on it and act and they fear you it will always lead to the you are in pain and women are powerful tales we see on media with lots of bragging and nepotism that is necessary for their health and wellbeing, determined only to stop when that stupid global victims club of theirs is populated on your behalf because you are successful and there are women you care about hence giving them that chance, alongside it of course we hear homosexuality is just a lifestyle - very hard to believe that but then again a matter of choice anyway, if I have not given an idiot mine, they will pay for getting bits of feeling for it from me: it’s a matter of satanism and the hatred people have for me and things I have done to make people morally inclined right up to professional activities, so they always feel like inflicting pain on me and it has come to stage where they need to excuse it with a sense of their desire to acquire my corruptibility like some trophy power which leads to those feelings that women are sub human since this is the female version as it were:- that said, I stick to my morals and it is largely a matter of being a moral person since child hood only for an idiot who does not want to change their behaviour to make themselves like able by customers to deploy it to get rich no matter what they have; I will burn the world before they do that - I am not in any pain. Of course they do say when I say so I am bluffing - it will never have described reality as it were since I am aware of what I am capable of as well and they might want to keep their insults with their men at home when I am out there selling my books, yes I do not deny I am uncomfortable but that is due to my dislike for food which is very indulgent and takes up so much time as it were; I mean the actual eating can be between 10 to 15 minutes but the whole process takes couples of hours at least every single time but it is rather counterproductive in some way because when you are not eating well these their activities puts your head in your arse and when you do not pull it out you cannot do anything, which I do not care where my head is, it simply does not make sense to answer to them in anyway no matter how indirect or what nook and cranny it seeks to gratify its evil trophy collection of powers of wickedness from; as a result of which because there are women I care about and so express I do publicly they are always out to damage my work and income claiming I rub shoulders with them, of which we all know when I damage their own too the whole story will change all together as it were but they will show off this trophy because these are simply things they wish to waste my days in the world on making sure I have enemies everywhere - so it leads back to the start; no use paying attention when you are in public, only when at home, so the way in which democracy deals with it is not some invented injustice, there are sound facts and reasons which also go to explain why the process of civil rights fraud and self-improvement to correct deviant and bad and ugly history so that being evil might never had been the wrong thing even if they know how wrong it is, which they might choose from what they know of my personal life in a condition where they are superior established by their access to media can be as provocative as it usually is.

They do however say that I hate and fear powerful women which is not true; in the US for example whenever I write my books the need to abuse Royalty who steals beauty women should be enjoying because work is poison to them while poverty is somebody else's problem means that some powerful idiot wants to handle it in order to fight republicans and so it does lead to those feelings where you get out of bed and say today I want to bully media but not long after you are entangled with your friends and do not end up doing it - so it only needs to lead to that part where you put your foot down especially for the men who are entitled to you because a lot of work has gone into you and like to think you are not handling them as well because they have created a society where you will be demonised or a culture that will make you feel guilty for it. So it’s the same old case of insane women that Politicians like to get people who good history entangled with to force sex on them and confiscate reputation; so that if they are insane in the direction of gaps in power that means the way things work to cause death such as the military, their hatred for moral people will mean somebody will die sooner or later and they are equally as dangerous as racists and I am not in any way scared of them. It’s just reality that when people deny that just like racists whenever they are off on anything somebody will get killed sooner or later due to their greed and general abject wickedness then they will go through the roller coaster with me and complain about it but if they deny it and do not bug me in the process then they have nothing to worry about; so that even if I do act in such ways as ensures modern society can no longer cover up and excuse Biblical wickedness and make us all go along with it through Political threats and financial vandalism, while I worked on that they have been getting away with harming me - so when they do say I am in pain I wonder if they have considered the consequences as well. So far all that is left is thieving and abusive tiny areas of the creative Industry to feed their greed and wickedness over money and need to get rich with and I am going to take that away too because it does not seem to have any other mode of existence save abusing me, hence the democracy and justice involved. It is not a problem for me as an issue to deal with - these are the things that occur at the heart of a statement made to show why Politicians should be ignored i.e. these women do these things along with their boys because you have damaged from means by which a Biblical evil they claim exists to afford them protection while it cannot do without making you suffer to deploy your temperament as human shield and court trouble for you all day long while dominating you and seeking to get rich to continue; so provided the Politicians and other bloc headed bully men with a need for attention and exhibitionism do not damage or are not in control of my finances, I can always live a whole lifetime ignoring them but if they are there is no point complaining about my actions. They do say I am opposed to Liberalism of course which is not true - it can be as liberal as it wants, if it exists to bully me because others must use my aura and temperament for their own purposes, its people looking for trouble period; then there is my party piece i.e. making me appear to have a violent spouse for the sake of it as there is really no way they can force me into a relationship with them which makes it impossible to find a partner while their Politicians chase my finances - so it’s about lifestyle and the confiscation of other people’s lives and nothing to do with anything that may have constituted their powerful women rights none of which they have here. The blacks simply made enemies because they could do whatever they liked with anything I own on account I have been marked out to fight racism without a job, while racists have jobs because they cannot stop racists from having jobs in order to allow me a fair fight as it were having big ideas story -  so at present they have all been yapping about how much of pain I am in because they have no conscience as it were, including their white friends with a need for me to be dominated before I am allowed to do my academic work and Politicians with a need to give them anything they want, so it is going towards becoming an issue that will have to be settled really soon; it’s the old story behind immigration which people on the right that seldom travel around to see people that are like them all over the world support and not others such as myself on the left who are more concerned about society being able to cope with that level of enlightenment - they are travelling around the world with money and Industry backyard making as much trouble around the world as they can and soon enough they will wonder why exactly the rest of the world ganged up on Nazi Germany which actually does also mean racists belong on the right; no such thing as halfwits that lead while real leaders campaign and since I am in pain for being bullied by them which has become a trophy power victory, their eyes who seem to have an eye on my possessions perpetually for work is like poison for them, will start to become a problem with active activities engaged on them as well, so they can keep their insults with their men. I mean it’s a world from a world; I come from one in which women can be offended because you look at their hair i.e. they find it distracting when they are at work while these idiots come from an environment where they are apparently incredibly stupid and get rich by being so stupid and so nothing I say I should expect will change a thing but having been they have started making noise about me in pain, it needs to be clear that they believe others have not had enough of them and that notion is precisely nothing but what it is i.e. a notion - work might be their poison alright but I do not find their activities amusing and by the way the glossy magazines will need to go as well and it does not matter if they buy the bras and knickers from people who broker equities with me; its time out.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland