Now they
say the political instability is too much for me which is utter nonsense, it is
not; what we have is a collection of goons who think I am a novice at what I
do, so the idea I am always being attacked and persecuted by Celebrities will
never in their view translate into a process of spending whatever it is they
are obsessed with around here on dealing with the wars and racism that will
emerge from their insulting and abusive behaviour that turns people from normal
human beings into something close to an animal. What they are concerned about
the most is how I react when I refuse to do anything because the Politicians
spend money they do not have to start their stupidities off for them whereby
they can tell people they are not stupid people if they have been making money
from their insane activities and therefore become impossible to reason with or
tell off; but this part only leads to outcomes where politicians will never get
the resources and way out of the crisis they have now created for themselves on
the matter out of me – it is a question that nags all the time; how on earth do
you get government office fools like this out of such a mess? They normally use
it to tell me there are reasons for their actions which are entirely my fault
and it is becoming less and less and less ridiculous and amusing to cling to
and borrow my public image until they are wealthy in such ways; however which
it is usually the best indication I am not a novice as we know the obsession
about people’s public image is usually a product of the fact they have had a
brush with the law several times and at some stage like it usually happens a
tired Police Office has warned them that being found again will result in some
very personal moves and we all know all those criminal activities are a product
of clinging to where others were born and grew up and had childhood friends and
attended school etc. They like to say the Celebrities are a bit too much for me
but apart from the fact it is usually a big case of something they can trap and
abuse and control to make fame and fortune by insulting people which only
results in outcomes where those who are stronger than they are such as myself
spend their preoccupation on everything that prevents the crimes and abuses and
racism instead, so they end up stuck on the left without any fame threatening
people with a pathological fear of work, the big mouth only wants to see an
example of what could happen if somebody did get themselves into a shootout
that ended in deaths over popular and celebrity culture, so that the Government
might have its hand forced to make Policy on it – it’s the same story we see
all the time where the most amusing thing for the society ones before they
needed the Politicians and Monarchy to place me under some control talking
rubbish about revolution that is a product of problems they create for
themselves and prevent those they abuse from pointing out they created the
problems for themselves and then getting provoked by heads of state who have a
job to keep entire territories stable, creating an outcome where my position
causes me to respond with a very special kind of anger every time they bandy it
at me, it was a case of the most fun they can make out of community croons
whacking me over the head while nothing happened and then we find them say that
it is my fault ending up in their part of society as everybody tends rather to
note that they are completely obsessed with those practical jokes at other people’s
expense where somebody moved left and moved right and ended in the middle where
others ambushed them and took their personality to make fame and fortune with
anybody over a period of a decade or so – hence what we have here is the Media
and Celebrity ones whose insults have become a bit too much and we can see that
they are unable to observe they are not out of pocket for stopping it, unable
to observe that keeping their insolent comments off my Books do not affect
their jobs, so I am wondering what will become of the whole show when it does.
My point is that the instability is not too much for me, only their need to
cling to my public image which is a tell-tale sign that they have criminal
records and that my inability to tolerate it is the correct thing to do; the
always speak of my Mum and what she does being pretty much the same as when
they are spoiled by their parents so that they become what they are – which of
course it isn't, reality being that for most of them whose parents were
successful because they are good people as most of the time that is what
happens with good people, the parents do cut them loose to run the whole course
of their insanity and then end up at the other side looking for salvation and
we find that it is those who get involved with sex work that have actually
identified the fact they have a problem and wish to take steps that prevent
them from having so many choices about life available to them, while the
celebrity idiots need to keep showing up to pass insults and abuses and threats
at me to convince me that they are famous every day, thinking they will never
get hurt for it. In the case of my parent; that would be a case where I am in
the University studying Law but as soon as she finds out she builds a whole new
existence with politicians over a case where I was supposed to be learning a
trade; typically of which I remember my parents divorced when I was 5 and since
then until I was 21 she has only spent a total of about 16 months with me, met
her again at 21 and in less than 13 months my whole life was taken over by
popular culture, on seeing that if you are somebody whose kid people are always
blabbing doing stuff stories at will eventually burn her, she is very
intolerant to any child that wants to live under the same roof as she does but
what kills me most of the time is the part these goons are playing the matter,
suffice to say that when I get hold of their own, it isn't the criminal records
and the strange relationships they have with their parents that I will be
insulting jobs on Media writing Books about whereby a living wage is not enough
So they do
say journalists do not want to be enemies but that is all well said, what we
find that is they pick up my work and make a case of themselves on Television,
even when I have a social Media profile, what happens with it is that they do
what they are supposed to do by following it with any opportunities they get on
Media and especially for the abusive males ones, who even tackles those that
have done the whole thing in a way that shows that they intend what they are
doing to mean something to me or indeed become an outright threat for those who
follow me on social media all together about which it’s impossible to work out
what their problem is, we see it develop from me being hit boy whenever they
get a news slot they do not want, to those stabbers and shooters that are just
as bad as they are thinking they an argument that allows them do whatever they
like with my internet or social media based business and it takes the need they
have to control and abuse me and get rich through black mailing me with things
I have done about society and culture and crime to a whole new level, just like
the Industry ones like to brag all the time and find regularly that they are
nothing if they do not have abuse of women or environmental destruction to
blackmail me with and it becomes fair to realise and mention publicly they
appear to consider it important and necessary to screw around with me until
they get hurt or killed so people can say it is surprising since they were
rather nice on Television. All I want is for them to do their celebrity and
journalism without involving me, we can all see that when 60% or more of their
jobs involves screwing with me, I do not have a sense of normalcy around
anything – so it is logical that this was the outcome when such a situation was
made to exist despite all I did to prevent it, talking rubbish about my sexual
habits which refer mostly first to the fact the grown up ones are always getting
certain black boys to have certain kinds of sex with certain white girls on
social media or on video, while the younger ones and middle aged ones show up
to ensure nobody can do their jobs for reasons of hurting bottoms on account
they want to lead – so it’s the part where it will create problems for itself
on the left and on the right and panic and lash out at friends and enemies
alike and look after number one by seeking out a scapegoat that draws the
attention especially when it is seen doing one out of a situation where a
problem never existed at all but it is the bit where they do not even want you
to mention they created a problem for themselves in the first place otherwise
you will get beaten up that causes the temper to develop. I want them to do
their jobs without bothering me or I will find my own things logical which I
may do to inflict punishment that causes them to go straight as well; we can
see that a social media troll no longer fearing the fact that if he or she
pricks me I will hammer their own in the real world as well provides a lot of
ideas on how to handle the scum on media that is responsible for it as we can
see there is really no reason for such things except pure wickedness and
apparently difficult to locate how any normal person would make out it is
amusing like we see them do. So I get told that I play around with it all the
time and this is why it gets completely out of hand but I don't, there simply
isn't much more to do about it; I mean I spend everything they think they can
control to make fame and fortune on the crime and racism and violence and war
issues anyway, so they are stuck but it is still impossible to just spend time
on their media jobs without tackling me because it is part of the process of a
life they have created for themselves – so I have done everything to prevent my
whole life and career ending up somewhere somebody else has a big red button to
push and I have still ended up in a place where it is impossible to just go out
and secure employment to finance my Books because it has failed, not in the
real world but in terms of their own personal decisions only, followed quickly
by daily abusive publicity; so I really need to deploy those parts of my mind
that develop punishments that can make crooked people go straight as well to
begin with but so do they also know I am sitting somewhere with a picture in my
head that says we lived in the 60s and there were people grooving with large
slums carpeting huge areas saturated by culture and the media was stuck in the
Middle; prize being the great old case of a need to blab wealth inequality
issues and make use of an Arch Prince that Diplomats and overseas business
interests are allowed access to when they have to see something wonderful in
the UK, make use of one abusively and destructively, make it really common on a
daily basis with a media job. Of course I do get told I just enjoy tackling the
media and the Celebrities which is not half as true as the fact I am always
stuck with fools that are very proud of their ruffian image because some daddy
character wants to make me into an old man that wishes to attend school while
he climbs social ladder; at University it’s a wonderment as to why they
consider it to be important but out in the real world it is a problem that the
local shops have to deal with every single moment for obvious reasons. The idea
this is a never ending problem is not real either; we can see that there are
Nationalists and bullies that have taken over the fame thing there days and not
least the leadership that the US President provides – if it is not getting them
letting other be and doing their jobs professionally it is difficult to locate
what else will. They would say I have just polished racism to make it more
acceptable which is utter nonsense too; by the way of which in terms of racism
supposing a government was paid by the Hour and they had to ensure people were
safe, the question would be whether it meant bravery to dislodge people who
know they are psychopaths and have spent most of their lives doing some
bullying, which has now prevented them from getting high flying jobs like their
age counterparts and then looking at the other end like you have not got an
alternative solution for it. A question of what is the role of a government if
it had to host a party for prostitutes if it came to that while avoiding a
reputation that reverberates all over the world that it hosts parties where it
says the wrong things so its guests get stabbed and killed by a mob. So, does
not mean that Mr Trump's leadership is right? That is for those who have seen
the evidence to judge; I have made my decisions and more so will not allow it
to be taken from me by terribly insulting liberals that are responsible for the
messed up society we have today – somebody's entire existence is never right as
far as they are concerned and it only gets serious when telling them to keep
their mouths shut also involves telling them nobody is born homosexual. They
always say I do not fancy homosexuals which is not really the case; reality is
more a matter of the fact I will be persecuted all my life and then when I say
anything it is not listened to because homosexuals want to say that if I say
something one way somebody will use it in a way I did not intend or that if I
said it another way somebody will do something I did not intend or that if I
acted in a way that suggests I am capable of violence that protects me from
robbery, people will rob me more to find out how I do and so one eventually
finds out he has ended up with a reputation that says he needs help from
external sources all the time, which nonsense the media can play around with,
which is basically the profile of a criminal; hence that nobody was born gay is
always a good start. So, does it show that I hate homosexuals? Of course not -
they will be homosexuals any time they want to be homosexuals anyway, it’s
never up to me; we all know if a pastor stood up on a pulpit placed right
beside a rock star doing a Gig, the homosexuals will be the first to start the
war, so they have their ability to worship company CEOs and Rock stars etc and
so tend to go into Industry villages where there are lots of shinny products
you cannot buy until you had placed your order on the internet, then their
bottoms will hurt so they might have homosexual sex but when they kick mine
off, that nobody was born homosexual is usually a good start (the idea I am not
a force for good while people cling to me and persecute me and hold me down
somewhere so the years might add up on me and make me a figure of hate as they
cling to my business empire and make excuses that allow them shrink it to
please themselves is another good reason nobody was born gay).
So they do
say I am homosexual myself but do not wish to come out and it is utter rubbish
too; what happens is that people build up an open secret they share as a whole
society over me and it’s a very violent form of gossiping which society goons
can then make into a case about my anus and penis and tummy - what happens when
I have mentioned it is that I mention it in a condition where I have put
information to culture and society to run a Bookshop with and so the angry
society people who want to play practical jokes with my finances will take it
up to Media where an idiot that cannot mind his business transform it into an
even bigger form of violent gossiping that is about my anus and penis and
tummy; so we have reached a stage where they have been informed of the
disconnect between their jobs and comments about me, between their jobs and
insults in my direction, between their jobs and time spent on my concerns, I
for my part can remember that there is not a single time that I have had
anything to do with Media which involves the Male population on it all
together, so it is a very old form of antagonism that will not give me a
breathing space until it actually does. It feeds into the case where I would
never have survived if Hilary Clinton won the election and it is utter nonsense
– we know it’s Mr Trump's Presidency now hence the reason I have reverted to a
life of what the Christian ignores when he wants to get life or look after his
family but because I am single, there are those stages where I think I want to
build a history and that is why I get involved at all – if Hilary won, I think
I would have found myself in a place where each public appearances helped to
pay for all damages done here behind the scenes and that way we would find out
if the US would not have tasted a Hung Congress for the first time in history.
They always say I speak that way while I cannot control what my tummy does;
reality of course is that I am not eating properly, so I have this difficulty
running along with how much energy I have and how much demands are being pushed
at me – so the assumption when they cannot let people be is that if I were
confronted, there was no way they would have gone home well informed that day,
that I had not fed myself well enough to grapple with such stupidities as the
fact they wanted to lead. We see it is the same things about my Court too; the
part where I do anal sex routine with Court members gets them out of stupid Men
chasing their bottoms because Men want to lead and this is the bit where it is
said I do things that do not go along with rules of Monarchy and an exception
has been made for it, the other bit is the bit where I pick up on their
pornography so they can match black men and women on certain kinds of sex and
show up to say they have been working revolution on me on account they know
where my Books are and of course they always say it is a war the Americans are
leading against privilege but we can see that what is happening is that their
insults have created a society split between law enforcement and normal people
and criminals but what they have become concerned about is that Royalty has
somebody that applies too paste on their Brushes and wipes their bum when they
use the loo, hard to see how they are fighting privilege with the behaviour we
see them exhibit. I am for my part always getting into trouble as such because
it is thought that I do not want any of these privileges and that I have been
doing it myself while others have National security jobs to attend to, which is
not actually the case, what is, is that they have been making extra trouble
with Media and Celebrities because they know where my Books are and there is
soon going to emerge a part of the Royal Court that wants their guts for it on
a regular basis too.
In the end
they say it is bad Economic PR for the UK but of course it is not; if they
tackle me I will tackle those cultures and societies as well - they can see
that the US President is a big fan anyway and so are really keen to make out
one moment I cannot make my own decisions while making out the next that he has
hijacked all I have and I need to be bullied into doing something about it and
we have Global Security anyway. Eventually I hear people just want to see me
care of which I am willing to but simply do not have the right parameters; I
would care if they were allies of mine that have a relationship which goes all
day way down to the way they pursue their matrimonial chores as a matter of
what I am doing and the various aspects they wish to handle in order to build
their family wealth and leave some inheritance for their children - I mean we
also hear that Brexit was a disaster but I have not lost any allies of this
type in Europe, what has happened rather is a case being noted where if people
vote in favour of environmental issues they get attacked by the Media and
Office space antagonism becomes National Media issue undeservedly and so the
French Environment Treaty which the US President pulled his Country out of was
always full of such cynicism and usage in equal measure..
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland