I am asked if I work out my affairs as I go along or it is something about which I am vested in knowledge; it is a bit of both like for instance when I assume that the fact I had not set out the career properly was the main cause of woes associated with abusive activities which affected it and once I had done so, found myself caught up between them and victims of their activities, where I had since failed to make the most of instances where I tried to let them carry on with their own affairs whilst I am allowed to get on with mine – so we see that it had secured help from the Monarch and was working the Politicians currently. From their point of view however, I belonged on the left and they on the right, otherwise it was an environment in which I wanted it all and had it all because I am privileged enough to – utter nonsense naturally as none knows what it means when they suggest I belonged on the left, what I do know is that because I am not affected by the left hand side and right hand side sensibilities due to Royal Office, should I do anything to put them in control, I will have to explain it to the Head of State at some stage, the Politicians were affected by it but when Politicians make mention of such matters, it is to do with the left hand side referring to times spent at Parliament and the right times spent with the public, so it is difficult to get low enough to make sense of what they are saying hence I think it is utter nonsense. What we know to be an explanation is that these activities facilitated a process by which they got by and as a matter of acknowledging their rights, it was rather clear that we would have been better off if they said so a long time ago – that these activities were devised because they spent their youth being tough and in due time read peoples birth signs, forge alliances with abusive Celebrities, build sales pyramid schemes and financial trusts, to arrive at a stage where they could settle a retirement, should it have been mentioned earlier, there would have been no need to see all America unleashed on British backyard ripping and tearing, whilst they corrupted spirituality matters associated with property equity and broker with Companies at the Trust. This is not to say I have decided it was acceptable to work with them, just acknowledging how easy it would make everything if they stated that it was their business and their concern a long time ago, not show up at university to finger my bum, run me down at the work market and tear up my Bookshop over a period of 20 years. What we do know for a fact is a method of operation rather involved something of a process where their friends from the city gave them money and they hung about holiday and tourist destinations with self-improvement seminars for genders and lots of narcissism – history being that they hated my Books but I do not write Books that belong to them and such nonsense as the task of getting under control the jeopardization of my Books to get me fighting some Muslims, is an example of the reasons we faced so many problems because it is very wasteful and destructive that I had to spend so much to get those matters that may pose a threat to an audience that displays the fact he possessed a copy of the Book publicly, whilst it appeared there were so many practical jokes surrounding my Books that the shop had stalled. We have seen them offer people a deal, where they could do as they please and people could recover by working out and securing a gym. membership, as opposed to public policy which recognised that if the mind was damaged before finances were settled, then it would have been counterproductive that the finances had provided enough security for the bearer to stand up to society abuses when required.

Here all eventuality plays out to such an effect that I wielded considerable public influence and was good at this work, it is suggested that I had become too powerful for my own good and there is nothing of that sort, just Books I write for career that is private property and a process where the King ran the Country so differently that there was not enough trust to jeopardise it for the State, nevertheless which I must care for the Royal Trust. We were never free of complains that it was a matter of setting a social rule for everybody and a different one for them – what we know in certain terms is that it comes up with a series of narcissism that it now appears to have been fed up with, so builds a community to run me down without physical confrontation whilst its media fools and famous gits got all over it, the same conditions it extends to other people to make people feel sick every moment, then it runs off immoral society gimmicks all over it where they were not like their mates but their stupidities made them money and so there had to be a way to keep it going even if they knew it was wrong and immoral, hence the abusive celebrity and media culture, to worsen the illness, finishes off with an abusive gimmick of goading people into a fight on the streets, this is half the story, as the one that causes the so call social rules is that it made a public appearance every day, to change the narrative as though it needed to get in somewhere and push this advantage. Eventually we find that on the same platform, the famous were suggesting that they had a plan about me and had executed such a plan, should I want a series of events played out to ascertain if this was the case or what we were seeing was a bunch of people that were themselves fed up with their own narcissism, they would then suggest that it was a cluster of activities that I thought I was entitled to engage in whilst none had seen me take part in National service, garnished with a gimmick of reading my birth signs to ascertain that their money was enough to pay for an entitled twat that wanted to deserve my identity in the entertainment industry and beyond, then wonder why I found this difficult to tolerate. Protecting myself from the narcissism then was a matter of the way that they explained it differently because I had not plucked the society gits out of their privacy yet – still the same gimmicks where I do not get to see the narcissism whilst they got to send out some low lives that had nothing to lose to show up on my personal space running me down and getting bolder – first time around I dropped out of University, then faced a tough time at the jobs market and now they are simply ripping up a Bookshop, it was normal to show up at University to chase a persons bottom and make a mess of privacy apparently, just progression from parental narcissism where the sort of success that my career offered me did not show enough respect towards them.

As the point is raised that I talked about it with vulgarity, the correct way to describe these would be to say that they have since following me around to University continued to show up here the most important matters of my career and finances occurred, to make a mess of my privacy but I use the phrase chasing bottoms because it loved these activities whilst the stupid society kept its privacy, getting on my nerves if it had yet received not an appropriate response for it, because it assumed others did not possess the resources and mental capacity to get around to it, always being so abusive, especially the famous, needs to keep the comments to their own career and show up here only to read – should I face a circumstance in which an environment I created for women who are older and more successful did not have the same social standing as the men who have achieved the same things, I will assume that they were set to attack me next.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland