Hence the
great old story is made manifest; governments need to have the criminals, so they
can challenge Industries who want to profit from work they do with Families to
find something difficult and worth achieving; since there are Politicians that
like to target us, we have to take a certain position but either way it still
means that the main source of low achievement and Corruption in Court is
involvement of Men and stupid women from poor Countries who are in need of
money all telling me what to do as insultingly as they can to plug products
into my public life since they know Industries will support the loop hole in
government and of course will be able to set me a difficult challenge too when
the government uses it to deny them unreasonable claims. I do not have a
problem with these matters, they are just the point at which appraisals here
displayed are created for the Court.
I am told
that I appear to be detached from who I am but I know I am a top Government
Operative and this is usually expressed when Celebrities claim if I did not get
into a relationship with them, I must have lost something important – reality
of course is that of what we see when I speak of wealth inequality and their
idea of what it means is showing up to count pennies and end up with magic
millions on my public image, pleasing a random crowd for custom of Celebrity
products, while what it means to me is making sure I got paid by those who
deployed my work to make money.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland