They do claim all I said is talk and I do wish they didn’t say that as each time we see them walk around in the City centre feeling entitled at my expense, the main reason was that their stupidities wore some nice clothes and had a shave, therefore the sexual abuse gimmicks practiced at anybody who associates themselves with me was the meaning of their stupidities being in charge of things – what we have then being a group of goons that are convinced this is how they will stop me. The inconvenience rages on with abusive and very destructive advertisement to take revenge for what I do to ensure their crimes are not cost effective because they are made to bother me – the means by which they grind away the show business and Industry deep into my life and we know every time they have not started at 6.00am what I did the previous day must have caused enough fear for them to think doing so was a risk but currently the boasting continues because by Midday every day, we find that they had settled up on a reality whereby working for their own does not appeal and started again – the belief is that this is how I will be stopped. Eventually we find an alliance between their insanity and some deviant Royal friends whose sheer obsession with my concerns, coupled with the sense they are out of my league and more important at Public functions, is what kills off relations with Clients and then makes me ill all the time, as stupidly as possible – so maybe in terms of such nonsense they do stand a chance but I have been clear about what I can do if they have not yet cleared the Public image space.

They are not more important than I am and this has always been the main problem: what happens when every Public function they attend sees a process where they upstage and abuse me in such ways happen, is that they sabotage my finances and end up being the ones to complain about the consequences more than I am happy with being an Arch Prince whose interests are more concerned with Church matters. This has always been my mode of operation as such, better for the women to go first once I build the structures, as they help me moderate Public matters and eventually make sense of the fact when I speak of wealth and social inequality, I am talking about people deploying my work to make money and why I should be paid com wait for some goon at their retirement where they can be the insulting Daddies the way it will rely on them too – when these goons wreck the finances and complain about me being less than worthy, it is set to continue as long as I am not a major pain in their neck as well.

I do get told the matter here is that everything I do is just wrong but the reality is the reverse i.e. nothing I do is ever wrong – what we have then is a group of very stupid individuals who set about gimmicks with my academic work concerning how I attend University with the kids at 24 and now in my late 30s I just look like a character that will do well if the label of bum was placed on me; I dropped out of University then the same year the worst recession we have seen so far took place and they have started practical jokes that pick up my financial state at the same year I started to trade my Books more seriously, so I look like a character that works and never gets paid; stands to reason that one of these days they are going to keep their big mouths shut because they did something about it or their culture and society idiots did it for them. Much like they claim my whole life is done while no such thing has happened, save the part the media plays in this nonsense because completely unnecessary in the sense that as long as they are able to tell the public I fell flat nothing I do will ever deter them and it is therefore a scary decision to make. The theory then being that this is a matter of people that are loyal to me and loyal to me alone, in which case it should be tidy enough that I pointed out this matter.

They claim I talk like I need help all the time which brings it on, what really happens is that I fill their stupid heads with what I know so they can continue to follow me around and make a mess of my Public image - the reasons my idea of controlling trouble makers is to crush their Celebrity culture and ensure society gits are all over it, so they might steal whatever they want from this place like their big mouths suggest, while I still end up courting attention from bottom chasing gits offering security while the business of protecting me means working for HM and not working for me, is that Celebrities are inviting themselves into my personal finance concerns which feels as if somebody just hacked the bottom off it and it is growing into an imperative need for me to control Celebrities (it is how these idiots ensure every public appearance is destructive for other peoples family finance bases and so on because the Celebrities and Football gits put up money somewhere and wait for more money to be added to it, while they appear to have made profit as the main problem was the business of working for it - that they can do later and they can do the one they want if the money is guaranteed anyway). Its never true I need security or help from them, they can get into a fight that may go either way, I can shut down whole society and Celebrity culture systems, so what happens is that I always win.

The case of my inability to handle Celebrities was a myth about me taking my tolerance of their vandalism to a point where it had become a habit of sorts, although I am still aware of what I am doing - at least in Public perception because of the Media it has become a habit i.e. it will wait for those opportunities that allow it sell things attached to the fact its stupidities were famous, talking nonsense about confiscating a Royal Estate which these Society and Culture fools echo in every drinking party in the land because they believe when they are angry it matters and when others are it does not, as stupidly as possible, when it does not see any, the same lies and abuses and criminal fame nonsense will happen again and it will hit me and grind away it show biz into my life to make those profits as abusively and destructive of my person and property as its stupidities possibly can - so the only reasons they do not begin at 6am everyday is when they are waiting for the opportunities that come through by magic to serve their stupidities over the fact they were very important as far as they were concerned had ended up in a process of waiting too long. They always say I could never handle them but I ended up with a reputation for being picked on whenever they thought they ought to get to their banks and see millions there that they never worked for because what I said and did prevented them from being important by my public image and prevented the money being made in that way thereof, an example of how these matters only get serious when they really are as it were. Then there are the goons that give them money to ensure I could never catch on due to a need for these gimmicks – none will ever explain what brings about the vile behaviour we see gathering around some incredibly stupid female they label as socialite and thinks she is presented to the world as the female version of me or my responsibility all together and then when she gets the money forgets her place as a girl rallying other girls for her girl interests in the City and gets off making a mess of my Royal and Diplomatic duties – it becomes more obvious the gravity of what they are fooling around with each time they ended up complaining about it; so a typical example is when the insulting and abusive advertisement has happened again and it had settled up on a business whereby something has to be done about it, something has to be done about the criminal fame as it were. since they started fooling around with my Public image, some are worth hundreds of millions now and sharing this sort of nonsense will have added to a business of sharing the tricks of the trade – it appears to have meant in their view that they can afford Royal Public image, while we know they don’t have enough money to buy the deck of a Navy Frigate and if they got together to buy one then will we find them hang around somewhere fighting over the remains of the day while the Navy can at last carry on without interference.

They do claim its about targeting me personally amd I understand it is; the abusive Advertisement and abusive product endorsement happening everyday is the reason I am going to take some action concerning their criminal fame having a go at me - the preparation obviously was the part where they gave their money to the Celebrities, so I guess this is a process of gathering money from others for themselves, so that between them and the Celebrities, they will own all the money the world - likely to stop when its a comment about my concerns and I will tear up your own situation in my view. I do get told that I act as if they were winning while they are not and I am aware they are not, the unfathomably annoying business of their stupidities developing the effrontery to act as if this is what their human rights and civil rights looks like blinds me all the time and we are heading towards earning the break bits when insulting comments about my concerns in anyway will mean I rip up what is left of the stupid career as well. When I speak of Comments they make, its more of the fact they don't like being dissidents, they like getting off with their fans to make patronising insults in public about what I have achieved, which allows them get on Publicity generated to count pennies and race each other to the magical millions, then claim I misunderstand them on account they are Celebrities if they wanted to be nice - I am going to start working towards earning a break from their stupidities, just need it carrying on a little bit longer for me.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland