January 20, 2018
we hear there is this act that I must drop and it is utter nonsense
that has developed from the other case where it is said the way I
address them and their Politicians will get me into trouble while
they organise themselves into communities that strike my bum every
moment on account they want to get around with Celebrities; its about
Public control – something to do with their very bad behaviour
getting involved with me to draw attention to any state provided
security I get and me getting obsessively involved with them the way
they do me, to draw attention to their bad behaviour which makes it
less profitable; in the end it tells me that it would have had a
break in life if I was not so stupid as to prevent people peddling my
faith and personal life and public image because I have no respect
for what they have been through on the left and on the right and I
think they will get what they are after somewhere in hell as well.
The part where they say I just believe I can handle Media and
Celebrities and therefore should is the one that brings to bear how I
make my decisions i.e. struck my bum again because it had warned me
that describing myself as an Arch Prince is provocative even though
it got itself involved with my concerns while it has no respect for
my personal priorities and I am about to take the Celebrities and the
Journalists and the Fashion Models away from him and find out how
much of a physical and violent threat to me he really is too. In the
end they say the problem was that I encumber peoples fame which is
utter rubbish; these are individuals who are so good at the only
thing they know which involves making use of other human beings in a
way that does not proceed as Nature intended and it fits into that
whole story of my war on communism while what happens is that
whenever you had worked on a project, others will build crowds and
get half of it and whenever you have a personal life fraternity, the
whole business of peddling it for money will take the same form as
well, so it comes to a stage where the funny things they do to please
themselves is imaginary whacking me over the head without risking
security and so I had to sack their own right through to the Americas
too, so as to make their insanity much less amusing. Ido not encumber
their fame; they are damaged goods with history of handling people in
ways that makes people less human and this means every publicity they
build for themselves on any account whatsoever has a negative effect
and adds up to a process where they hurt themselves and blame others,
what they do because of that is point out my Royal Estate on Media
everyday and tell me I will get into trouble for mentioning it
belongs to me with a big mouth, once through pretending they pay me
to keep their secrets so they might get famous. I mean apart from
their Politicians saying you are discriminating if you did point out
they were addicts who plays stupid games about random people doing
their stuff all the time until they ended up with a personality
others want to take jobs from which is incredibly stupid, there is
the fact that they hate me because every insult is now being followed
up by building them and their Politicians unemployment and financial
problems as well a crowd that suits each other and so there is that
talk of how I will never have a Public image naturally which is utter
nonsense; reality is rather that their case only brings up the
memories of when I sat my GCSE and become aware of the world and the
civil service for the first time; their point is that they want my
own and are really interested in insults that will prevent me from
having it, we all know it is not difficult at all to take care of
such nonsense but then the main point is that I say what I say
because I want society goons that like to chase me around and trap me
to play practical jokes to know what I know, hence information put
there to run a Book shop by, they pick it up for the trappings of
power because idiots with Media at their finger tips simply cannot
spend all their time on the job that gets to their heads – so it is
becoming a case of deciding what is to happen when fame is no longer
a process of going into the city to seek their fortunes if they have
a set collection of things that they can do to acquire it. I do get
asked how difficult I find living in the UK to be as such and its
that old story that goes beyond them telling me my position is not
tenable because I live in a multicultural society and other cultures
will not like an Arch Prince from the Black race, it develops into
the fact they have always done these things, right down to the goons
that park and re-park their cars near my Bedroom door until they had
parked it well and when I am ill their children can play around with
my tummy story, looking like they want to kill somebody all the time
with that big mouth; apparently of which we can tell when the
Afro-Caribbean ones especially eventually develop their
neighbourhoods into the tribal settings where people will be doing
their stuff like they blab at total strangers they want to make use
of all the time, they will end up with that war we hear them talk
rubbish about all the time too; I have always rather been clear about
what is not their kids on whom a usage for their future depends but
the whites do always want to prove this point about not being ashamed
of how they have raised their children on account of how I have
turned out and set about labelling me all the time and the most
abusive of it all is the talk of being the kid that gives respect
these days that kids do not give any more, so I have to make several
turns at the mirror before I set out everyday, to be sure I do not
look the part that is. Eventually it becomes so obvious they will
likely say that they did not think anybody could do it, when I rip up
their celebrity and popular culture for them as well now that their
salaries have become a tool for damaging my finances and pretending
their rights include a process of deserving forgiveness for it on my
part, until it becomes too late to do anything about them. They say I
do not fancy freedom fighters but we all know blabbing insults at me
does not add up to any body's civil rights; besides the bit about
getting rid of them because I have written Books and they have set it
out for practical jokes that suggest I am providing a service that
takes care of peoples bottoms while claiming they want nothing to do
with a low life like me at the same time, creating the idea it is
what I am stuck somewhere doing – what happens with these goons is
that they chase deviance to a point where it is a part of their lives
and they are stuck all together and then it will be followed up
really soon with a process of blaspheming peoples religion all over
the world while issuing threats to any who thinks about shutting down
their culture too and then claim that since they are always showing
up around my concerns it is what I am complaining about – reality
of which is that it is all their own lives and nothing to do with me
but when it really winds me up is when I drop out of University and
they told me they were able to prove that at some point everybody
fails at something, thus I am in a place where failure is not yet a
trend and their big mouth will make it one pretty soon. So my Books a
written to describe their insanity and it is a career developed to
ensure they kept their practical jokes outside of my academics and
kept their celebrity insults away from me; although they want it,
they never are motivated to buy because it is elitist, served with
tainted processes such as the use of swear words which I have already
obtained permission from my audience to deploy.
Posted by Ikpe Uno.