January 12, 2018
say in the wake of Armed Forces Video about people being accepted
into the Military if they were homosexuals, that it is the same Arch
Prince whose position stood against such things the most that
encourages it, which is utter nonsense, what does is the fact that
the increased exploration of homosexuality today is a matter of
simple opportunism, where all other processes of abusing me to make
money have been shut down, so pick up homosexuality becomes the one
that has not yet been shut down. We hear it all the time where we see
that it has gone beyond the fact that the blacks love to strike
peoples bums because they think they are superior, to the fact that
what they are playing at with Celebrity culture is to clip my
finances due to the fact I did not think it was a good idea to deploy
my life for the purposes of getting rich and need to be taught a
lesson, a lesson which involves an outcome where once they are done
with the historic sexual abuses, they will then be in a position to
get after me because I get them stuck with the people that will do
the lesson teaching and it leads to a process where they get sexually
abused. So the whites want to be able to cling to my public image
while having access to racists while the blacks are most keen on the
sexual abuse stuff so that it does not happen when I get them stuck
with the gangs. It is an old story where I am a Christian that does
not wish to compromise with them and will be made to go the same way
that Jesus Christ did; apparently of which they need a whole National
Media, National Parliament and National civil service to prove I am
cursed by my parents for the purpose but their main problem now is
that they will not go away and spent more of their time with their
own mates all together. So if I mentioned that we lived in a country
of drug addicts who spend most of their time screwing around until
they ended up with a personality that suggests that anybody can take
jobs and careers from them, thus feel like screwing with me on media
everyday, I would have been told that I was being discriminative but
so we can see the threats issued in my direction and that the way I
write my literary work having involves a process of setting out the
facts and then their involvement alongside so that when I complain
about them I do not lose credibility, has not been enough a distance
to put them off such fun. Where it plays out of course is the
Celebrity culture as we find them buy films and entertainment that
has been made brokering with me, only to make their own that will
force me to open my whole life to all the problems in their society
so they might be rich and democratic, which does suggest that from
where I am as well enough have not yet died on the matter; we see it
play out about media squandering everything I have and telling me
what was like some squatters waiting for me to secure muscle that
will get them moving – hence their business with me everyday is
always some phenomenon involving my Books and how they wish to spend
all of it on themselves, blabbing insults about my disrespect as well
while the whole thing is meant to replace a process where I am
addressed as a writer and their involvement is to buy the Books. Then
we hear that the Books are an affront to American Citizens who turned
British, which makes me wonder what their own is about then, if it
isn't paedophilia and ageism – we all know it is the only form of
abusively insulting leadership that American democrats provide on
this planet all together and in my case particularly, I was to be
dominated spiritually before I can complete my academic work, while
whether or not I did anyway, finding a job will depend on my attitude
of which we can see its a matter of making sure when they deploy my
property without signing a contract they will be too big to be
stopped. They are always a predatory front themselves to a legitimate
processes by which people earn money – the school and the college
and the University and the vocational training stuff and apparently
it is of their opinion I know about it because I am also incapable of
performing such predatory acts. So it begins with basic stuff such as
threats having to do with me having anal sex with women, which I do
not deny that I do anyway, save when I have them beaten up as well,
it will be a matter of the prove that they have got all together –
it begins with little stuff about the celebrities and film makers
taking it seriously that I want nothing to do with them and that if
they want to do their thing they need to look to their own backyard
and stay out of mine lest I cordon off their own backyard and lives
and use it the way they have used mine until I secure the complains
they have gotten from me as well, about which it would be a good
point from where I can watch them talk nonsense about me playing with
fire all the time, while reality rather says I will handle their case
and get away with it. These are very stupid people; endlessly we have
to make it clear the Industry villages are like a cake shop and even
if you have millions to spend, you will have to go back home and put
in your order on the internet and wait for three days like everybody
else considering that the owner of the cake business does not want a
dissatisfied customer and will never consider your money to be worth
losing his livelihood for – they enjoy hurting themselves and then
hurting me for it instead like some very twistedf and evil vindictive
scum determined to destroy a British Arch Prince out of admiration
and envy in equal measure and I have had enough of them too. The
Industry ones say they will then go off to secure some serious money
from oil and gas ans return to handle me after I had set them in
their place for chasing my Books as a contact point from which to
gain access to what matters to me and use it as leverage to
manipulate me – its the same idiots that want big business but have
no plans to go along with the rules and the same idiots who talk
nonsense about war all the time while they are busy knowing that
millions of people can see what belongs to them does not belong to
another but are happy to abuse those millions of people by grabbing
my work and then trying to make people think it belongs to somebody
else – what it is talking about then is the old case where they
tell me they can deploy my property anyway they wish and that there
is nothing I can do about it while reality is more that they can
deploy my Heirlooms in the British Territory and need see they are
not hurt yet deploying it overseas without my permission – the same
story that runs along the reasons it has to be clear that Middle
class without the hustle is evil and lower class without the
employment is pretty much the same as well; they do not have
heirlooms like I have, where people say I should not be talking about
money if I am Royalty and I have to explain I have all the wealth I
need for my purpose and they say its a diplomatic answer until they
realise they own some millions and can make much more than that if
they got involved with an Heirloom and it becomes a question of
whether it was the involvement that was interested in buying Books I
wrote to fight for global peace because they wanted to stand with me
and fight for something, which is what they are all complaining about
from Fashion to Media and Celebrities and Politics, always talking
nonsense that leads down to that question of being stupid and rich
than poor and clever but having an insatiable need to sort out their
lives decisions at my expense the whole time. The Politicians love
their insults where they like to think they are in my boat basically,
talking over and running it all together as well; reality of which is
that it has become a case of Fat Cats getting around with Politicians
who want economic recovery that involves teaching people it is okay
to subvert the processes of preparing oneself to join the work force
and it has never gone better for me with regards to a group of people
who offices are places where decisions are being made that affect the
lives of criminals and come down on me like a Ton of Bricks for not
co-operating with their needs, people who take my Books to the
highest levels of government where the sales get killed off all
together, such that the grass roots are afraid of getting involved.
For the rest it has become a question all together; they want to make
money they have not worked for and so when they are told it is not
building up to a future, what becomes of being told it is not
building up to a future is an iron clad argument that those who
created the economic crisis never cared about anybody and do they do
not have to, however which I would fancy they looked upon me as a
writer and got involved for a Book not tell me the Politicians fancy
my work, I will no sooner had completely destroyed the celebrity
culture so they might become really surprised that anybody can do it.
They do say the Politicians had a plan with Fiscal and Monetary
Policy on the matter but we all know they make their decisions to get
along with interest groups and Unions and it would be nice if the
decisions were not made to damage my property for a change; I do not
care what the story is, much like it is with the Celebrity culture
being replaced by backstage Court people making Cartoons and Pokemon
to entertain young people at the backyard while they chase serious
money at oil and gas so they might return to run a ten year money
making pipeline on my life with a big mouth, this was always the risk
i.e. that they would stand up somewhere and ask another person with
government business to comply with their need to see their faces
splashed over a sky scrapper or no affair of the day will proceed –
they were warned to keep out of my life but preferred ending up in
this situation where they cannot address me as a writer and cannot
get involved to buy my Books and its about to blow off a fight with
the media and end really badly. Apparently its no longer about
handling what I would have done to get rich, its about handling basic
sustenance all together because if I have that they will have no
control of what does not belong to them around here whatsoever, it is
set a fundamental form of corruption and wants to find out what I can
do about it too; what we find when we look again on any stupidities
that are meant to help Politicians gain more power is at least a
decade of quick riches and show biz money making pipeline laid out on
my public image and personal life fraternity which is what is being
protected all together with that big mouth making people feel sick
all the time. They do say I am not a part of what Politicians and
doing and even so will not make the choice to be until it is too
later after whence I blame others and it is so annoying since we all
know the Politicians spend all their time trapping people, which
purpose serves to ensure that when those who are happy and content
are made to suffer the happy and content spreads that ways and gets
used by those who want to get rich quick which makes for a
progressive society, while being completely miffed by where I get my
ideas every time I wish to ensure their enemies need not struggle to
catch them whenever as well. Its never clear why they enjoy their
insults so much but what is clear is that stopping them from
deploying government office will feed into their stories about
revolution, so stopping them from being famous alongside the
Celebrities we see show up to perform extreme versions of the
services from my Book simply because they have seen the cover and
have experienced some phenomenon that should make them want to read
it, then tell me if I want them to look to their own Hollywood
backyard for film making it is not something I can back up, whence we
also see it is the sort of characters that became the Capone
personalities we had to deal with between the 50s and 90s – stop
the fame, stop the criminality, stop the criminality end up with a
good national frontier with which you can host the world and get a
state office job done. When it comes to the insults of the
Politicians especially the females however, we shall put it to the
test yet again when each time I want a goon who wants to move into my
right hand to move into his left, get an education and get a life,
their stupidities spend tax payer funds on madness and show up to
wreck my finances in order to see how I will react and it means the
females especially can blow off their big mouth at me about what I
should be a part of lest I complain along the lines of threatening me
with those stupid boys from the neighbourhood on account I did not
think deploying my life to get rich was a good idea – the part
where telling them to clear my space means they make me a deal with a
big mouth as it were. So I am aware I am expected to live in fear of
abusive racist goons who are willing to kill abusive civil rights
scum that are used by a collection of trash throwers to make good
their foolish personal decisions in life but having said so; the
reality is still that they get off their lives where stupid poor
people work for stupid rich people and its okay to be bottom whipped
and tummy whipped, while stupid rich people do stupid things with
other peoples jobs because they do not wish to be taken advantage of
while it is obvious we have a minimum wage law in the Country, they
get off it and cling to my whole life and public image as a means of
making fame and opening shops, talking nonsense about wealth
distribution that they assume their stupidities indicates they are
suffering from such a problem all together. Its like when they say it
is impossible to push me into violent activity while it is rather
quite clear I can make a record of their stupidities and make use of
their own lives until they complain as well in the same way. In the
end it becomes very clear that if somebody said that he will mess
with racists society and then if they prick him he will sell it, so
they can clearly see its not worth bothering him, what we find is
that these scum will take it up and turn it into a means by which
civil rights can kill people, so you have to decide racists need to
start getting famous, while they show up to blow off their big mouth
all over the place for it as well as though what they are after was
where they were born and raised and had childhood friends and
attended school and others are completely incapable of predatory
behaviour that targets peoples studies and then finances later like
we see their insanity express all of the time, which is the usual
outcome of all these nonsense i.e. they passed exams and their
victims did not; while we see their society fools take it up from
here and then anything I would have done to go down in history as a
hero will be taken up and done on my behalf specifically to make me
feel fundamentally unsafe, driving public transport and looking for
some convenient idiots stupid sacrificial lamb for the fact it has a
criminal record all the time, talking its own nonsense down my way
endlessly to make use of me as well. So I get told my activities
create Political instability and I would never know anyway since it
is the fact every time people have a cliché to express it has to be
expressed around what I must become when people are stupid enough to
spend time making me feel distressed – it has only progressed from
insanity of their claiming that discrimination is good if it is not
widespread, meaning I end up in a condition where people feel as
though it is okay to make me feel distressed with National Media once
I get out of bed. It is very cultural obviously and for which reason
I cannot have a break due to usage of my personal space by ignorance
that spreads itself around i.e. changes to personality due to the
practice of ignorance that has become a part of life and so
everything it expressed to ensure its stupidities can continue is
about my tummy and my private parts all day long – very cultural
but nobody can sit around any culture to pass exams in school when
their foolishness is around and we are here because when I do not
want them showing up on my concerns it becomes very important to try
all the time. Sometimes it seems that it is okay to allow the really
stupid people become famous since the effect is that civil rights
idiots will build self expression pipeline on my personal life and
public image in order to create a sensational feeling where they say
their stupid civil rights looks like that, at a limit. In the end
what I am doing may be considered at face value but I do not want
them to do it – we can clearly see that they need this interference
of religious people in other peoples affairs to make their stories
look good while they mess with peoples lives so much that what I do
with my religion in my own bedroom appears to bother them, blabbing
about Political instability the whole time. What we have here in a
real sense is that it might sound like nothing if I said that their
insanity is really cultural but nobody can sit by any culture and
pass exams in school when they are around but the reality is that
somebody has gone off to Hollywood to build a 15 year film making
pipeline on my royal Estate which explains the reasons for the
increased levels of abusive insults – what will happen with it
quite naturally being that children will stop watching those stupid
films and watch pokemon created by backstage Media women instead, so
we might also have a vantage point from which to observe what will
become of it – so it is rather far more serious than it looks. Its
never really a problem all around, the same case where being seen
with a Bible is when a stupid woman wants to find a way to get
married and will completely destroy your whole life and make sense of
her idiocy with another fool that threatens you while putting a ring
in her finger at the other end – it seems that I end up in this
disposition each time they are in a place where they would fancy
doing anything if the price was right, meaning that those who would
not do anything no matter how right the Price was were actually their
toy to place with and so they are out of their depth now talking
about how this is all a very small thing and nobody knows why I take
it so seriously, while reality is that five years old and it already
knows where my anus is located, while I am over 30 and do not even
know where younger persons have put their own – parents have raised
it very bloody well then talking nonsense at me the whole time. As
for it being a small thing; first I had to ignore it if as a
Christian I was interested in getting a life, then I had my finances
and academics and public image pillaged to secure my attention and
now it thinks it can tease me on media it is certain it has a way of
making me return to where its stupid life is located whenever it
wants and apparently it will not be the last time that they see it if
I get my hands on it as well – it got away with profitable insults,
now it wants me to keep a record and make use of its own as well.
They speak about insults all the time and how these are a product of
me dishing it on others but reality is that these fools do not think
an Arch Prince's Office is important because it is simply okay not to
recognise the achievements of those who are not related to them and I
have never had a problem with it until they came up with their own
stories about insults while the history they have created with me is
the reason Royalty in Europe are never able to get involved with me
directly and there is the bit about the sex Industry basically
contaminating it all as well; does not seem like much when they sit
around their realms doing things with me from a distance but these
goons are not the ones loosing the money bearing in mind this was
their own lives; so I am still the one who bears insults that others
find profitable, very lost as per how I insult them from this Office.
I mean, I was described in 2002 at 21 years of age, as the kid who
gives respect to people that kids of today do not give any more, this
is 2017 by the way and regardless of the number of turns I have to
perform at the Mirror to eliminate anything of my phsyical features
which may encourage such insults, I am never really successful enough
to go anywhere without being made to smell like my toilet, it is
impossible to figure how the same group of fucking idiots are now the
ones complaining about disrespect. We hear I talk as if I can
actually handle the problem but of course we all know if I wasted all
that gets to their stupid heads on the left and then wasted all there
was on the right, I will step out of my door comfortably whether or
not they were driving around those insolent cars, without feeling
abused and insulted all over the place and we can all see that an
even bigger problem will emerge when they get past the big problem
that involves catching me when I am finished all together as well;
for now its the blabbing, when it gets really serious then it will be
obvious how much stupid and insulting practical jokes they really can
play out in this world; its like those times when I take Buses to
Church and the prevalent sensibility will be that I was soft arse
shit, now I am attending Church as well, such that it becomes quite
obvious I have been educated about what happens when people mess with
the business of criminals. Frequently it is said people wish me peace
but I rather have all those thing; what we are dealing with here are
things that are not being said while I have the ability to
administrate them, such as whether one might engage oneself in
setting off conditions that gets the scum who celebrate the gangs and
crime and racism so much into dangerous situations, considering that
the same tribalism and nepotism that is used by none white people in
Countries that are not European or American etc is the same appeal
that racism has for the people who do it here in the UK; the fact it
is a tool for a small group of majority population, to express how
superior they feel they are to everybody else; since it is clear that
playing around with it well enough will cause death, some people do
need to explain why these sorts of nonsense is celebrated to the
extent thatit is at other peoples expense and what the stupid Cliche
they feel like talking all over other peoples concerns until it
causes financial complicated that foolish media can get themselves
all over is all about. The Politicians say that mine is a dangerous
position of course but it is not to me; what I have just done is get
absolutely every body very, very, very, very, very fed up and tired
of playing practical jokes on me especially their wicked and evil
stupidities in the Houses of government that talks nonsense about
going abroad to find more if I clear out the resident ones that
bother me all the time and then show up around my financial concerns
passing around incredible insults to better their very stupid
personal life decisions. They always say their practical jokes
pertain to me being an Arch Prince but we all know its the guy who
does Church stuff and was adopted by the Queen who thought that the
way he does it is in Ones interest and not that of the Church
directly - which over the years have proven to be the case, the rest of the time, it is the idiots getting exactly what
they deserve and looking good for it, wherefore I since became Arch
Prince lord of everything and we are finding out what they can do
about it – while they blab about me risking war and we all know the
only thing their stupidities in the Houses of Government risks of
having to deal with what they cannot see after picking a fight with
people they have never met. The media is just the ones that wish to
see if messing around with my Books will blow up in their faces as I
had promised when everything I do to ensure I am secure along with
those I care about concerning culture and society is taken up and
then broken apart while they invent pleasurable male practical jokes
on my finances. We find them after gather their foolish television
personalities and Celebrities and Politicians to talk rubbish my way
about me thinking about not calling people stupid with a big mouth –
what we find is me asking what is going to happen if I don't; I mean
these idiots will take up peoples University study as a means of
practicing how to get out of being themselves and then becoming
somebody else – since I met them at 23, every 24 Hours gives their
stupidities another 23 years to catch up on and then we find them
blame others and shoot off that big mouth when the Politicians have
damaged some finances and help them to that stupid confidence I am
definitely not going to extract and beat down mercilessly too. But if
we are wondering where the insulting stupid girls and women fit into
the picture, especially supposing I mentioned that the men had me for
22 years before I built a court but what they did with me was
insolent competition over who is the best man aesthetically, ruining
everything around here – now they want to ensure my whole life is
being done for everybody, looking for more trouble – where the
insolent women fit into the picture is that stupid retard has gone
off to build another decades worth of film and entertainment get rich
quick making pipeline on my Public image, looking I do suppose for
more of what its stupidities is complaining about already and the big
idea is that I will get into trouble if I told them they were fucking
idiots especially the way it takes up my time and the way their
foolishness needs to depend on them as well – the blacks will be
the extra who have no wish to put in anywhere near 60% effort to
achieve what they want if they can ensure I do not have a salary at
the same age that they had a salary lest I break their record and
they are no longer able to play practical jokes on me over power and
influence. The insecurity they say my position causes me being
naturally of course the process of using racism to control their
misogyny and then using their stupidities to control racism too when
that gets out of hand at a later date and going round and round in
circles that way.
Posted by Ikpe Uno.