October 10, 2016
Now they say there is a lot of uncertainty in the UK economy
whereas there is actually too much certainty; in the sense that if there are
only ten companies in the UK and they are selling 50% more goods, that should
be reflected at the stock market as well and vice versa; so that the government
can make a clear decision on the economy as some of us who by the way also care
about Women and others who have had some problems have very little time to
waste on experimentations at the National economy bearing in mind the entire
world is largely as half as moral anyway. They do say I have no idea what I am
talking about and yes I agree with that too; I have no idea what I am talking
about when Companies have gone burst but I do know that if stock market firms
are worth more, then it should either be because they are successful or that
the pound is weak and those overseas are therefore more successful in the
immediate or even both and vice versa, so we need these things to happen
naturally as nobody has actually got the funds to spend on inflation.
Apparently this all means they have now started to live in the real world like
everybody else and I need to make clear where my next set of activities will
fall i.e. I do not want my Heirlooms exposed anymore so I can concentrate on my
academic work and my livelihood, more so now that I am ready to trade and
others are not, considering companies go under because there is uncertainty and
not because they are clearly doing the right thing all the while ; hence even
further prove that there is too much of it and not less and it would improve if
Politicians had stopped working for them instead of the Public. In turn they
would say that my behaviour is a liability for the government all together
anyway which has no element of truth to it – unless it is encouraging secrete
societies of Men who wear frocks and pretend they control the City and its
wealth and lets them do what it likes, my behaviour does not in any way amount
to a form of liability for the Government; as I have mentioned before, that 18
year old will only start behaving in ways they are teasing him to when he is unemployed
until 30 and it happens because they are really stupid and evil and have become
very fond of pretending it makes sense to everybody to rip up people’s lives
and finances and show up somewhere fulfilling about less than 25% their victims
potentials to talk nonsense about careers and livelihoods which have been taken
over, alongside their civil rights idiots and the ability to make people think
there is something they should be doing for the public 24/7 in order to expose
them to violent and hate crime when civil rights idiots are not living on easy
street. It was fun when it was and in my case they have taken themselves too
seriously and have ended up in a condition where I am well prepared such that I
can write and send them a letter while they are having their stupid meetings,
if they are silly enough to allow me locate their addresses, since I am aware
it will crack them up; as for the matter itself, the anus and penis insults are
now the daily routine at Parliament and it is not serious yet until people
start to collect their silly history and then hand it to a tyrant as
prerogative and only the obedient will be healthy and superior from then on
while an alliance is forged with Russia. They do say I speak of not wanting my
heirlooms to be exposed but have no respect for peoples own when it is not
British; I wouldn’t know, I just know that I am still wondering what I have to
do here to stop idiots with the same skin colour finding ways of showing
themselves in public, forcing me to give them victory and suffering financially
on their behalf while they claim they grew up with me and know I am not Royalty
and that somebody better ought to be selected so black people might have
justice; so I am aware if they show that stupid culture and society I will cut
it up again and nothing will happen as a result, especially now it is all paid
for in terms of expenses lost to the needs of idiots who want to feel like real
girls. The Politicians never thought this one was serious either except now
that it is a daily source of unexpected insults and abuses for MPs at their
roles in Parliament itself on a daily basis. I am aware of the reasons
Politicians hate me so much and it is the fact I am a very selfish person i.e.
a low life such as me and my morality should be building up sensations of
goodness that Politicians can wear like a cloak when they want to rule and govern
but since I am insane as well I have decided to take them on over the matter of
being that cynical while expecting their children to behave properly in order
to make their lives easy.
So there is now talk of how my behaviour towards the Politicians is unacceptable, the reality of course is that they have taken up 15 years of my time and everybody else’s to set out the treasury as a means by which to rip up my finances and allow their idiots build up some financial well being and show up to practice nepotism on me every day. So that the claim it is because I took all their power and took down their culture and society which I did as well is all good but the behaviour keeps getting worse and worse; I mean there is a reason for it to exist when the society ones mean that a certain group of families at a certain low life bum level income range want to punish me all the time and that I never ever feel good because of it, while the others have a culture from which there is an areas I have stolen everything I am and do and say etc, there is a reason for them to keep and have these things as well obviously. We are doing the good aspects at the moment whereby I have blocked off access to fame and fame based benefits of insults and abuses because they will never concentrate on their jobs and careers and the Nation will not be profitable if they have it – it is one of the main proof that the notion I cannot back it up is wholly wrong, as we all know it is one test after another with them based on speeches that Politicians make, while the Politicians should have realised was the way things works and should not have been developed as the main support for the disobedience and nepotism of these scumbags – unless they want to do it right as well. The Muslim ones and the European ones and the Blacks have one rhetoric and that is that for some strange reason they must exhibit themselves in a violent way towards me over claims I steal their jobs and businesses – the Public transport ones are the ones using me to fix the problem; so that the real question becomes what must be done when people test me like that every day. They say people don’t like me as such but I am still getting involved with them; the reality is that the only image of myself I am aware of is the one I see on the mirror, the rest are being shared by other people to a point where I am no longer able to control what my bowels do; we have to make a note of this when the Politicians start to blab about how I cannot back it up with action. It’s an old story where we hear that Obama is in the White House and it is over for people like me and the British Royal family, on and on and on until the Queen decided it was a job for me, now they blab which one I can back up or not and speak of how I do not realise when people attack me in such ways it means my behaviour has cost somebody a major job or opportunity or contract or money etc and we still cannot explain the sharing my public image and personal life to a point where I cannot control what my bowels do, which means they control me story anyway.
Its common sense; we live in a society where older people spend time claiming moral and religious people are only building up fights for them, fingering bums etc and after that we see them deploy the morality to create decadence and enjoy life in order to produce more pain and suffering in revenge for the fact others got more successful than they did etc – so if I come to a bad way, those who would have said, they could help me will turn into those who say I thought my religion could provide and can go to hell; so there is no way of handling culture and society while getting on and University drop out is a prove of that; the one I can do is when those who work it get jobs while I supervise or lean further towards crime while I get on. They do say it’s not what I say in Public by that referring to seeing somebody who is being set up for a fight that is more than he is by Public transport operatives and has also has his finances ripped up by Politicians so as to allow idiots to become superior to him whenever they can threaten him. The other side of the story is the common sense factor; when they get around fingering peoples bums and messing people up like that they always say it is because moral people create violence for older people and not because they want loutishness that will allow them to have a market square atmosphere and help forge sales and get rich quick possibilities but have no wish to do it with themselves and with their bodies; the first result of which was the society we have today where more people want to be gay but have no idea how to get satisfaction from it if they are; so that the way to protect myself can be as simple as making sure they do not have any loutishness that helps them trade and that Celebrities have too much and if insane as am, sit about pretending I have not a clue what is actually going on, since it generally means that every idiots who abuses me to detach me from my personality and then go on to own it with media can then find enough fame and fortune to consummate it in this world or beyond it, which does not show I was famous before they were as well anyway; the bit where I got concerned about female society matters and the need for Men to move into my right hand and personal life and make a vagabond out of me with each Book I sold ensued as well. So they do say they are prepared to make war on me naturally but then again they will raise the resources from the point where they have no loutishness and celebrities have too much as it were. It might look heavy handed but then again so would I have been selling my Books at this stage if they were not damaging it every day; it is getting closer to the stage where the need to cling to and handle me means that I will have to follow it on with activities at the Business Empire and measure that with my sales audit and hit them for the shortfalls.
So now there is talk of how my mind is at a certain angle which it really isn’t; I am just really uncomfortable with the idea of thinking about Americans most of the time; I mean if I lived in the US I would be the kind of person that has the process of controlling how much involvement with immoral aspects of economy completely figured out while the Politicians generally had to support it because they lived in a diverse Country. Here in the UK I do not have to because The Queen is Head of the Church and also Head of state and that means the Welfare system and the Health Service is at Her service and all I have to do if I do not have the time to plug the hole in my heart by chasing some charity work is get a job and ensure my taxes are paid with accuracy, to keep me going until I can get to the next stage. In the US I would have been in total control of the whole thing anyway, so it does not mean it would not have been the same thing at work, just that there is no need to live in the US if I am British.
As for the case of me having ended up in a deadlock however, I am not in any; the only one is the Politicians ripping up my finances to allow these idiots build up their financial confidence to facilitate violent nepotism designed to target me; the reality is still that they are a group of people that either want to create a world where some are famous and others have broken dreams because they always use people’s lives to get their own problems resolved or they are the others that rip up their finances to wait for a talented person and then they can abuse those to recover and boast about having body types and prowess to rip up their well being and then pick themselves up again without suffering major damage and since I use my own life and work to get things done, it is my tummy that has become their main preoccupation every time they want to make me take back everything I have said to shut them out of my Public image. What has happened with respect to that is that the Public transport people started an anus finger insult in Public and when they got famous for its resorted to spying on me while I eat and starting a Public nepotism of violence over it, which is why all the problems of civil rights are things people have heard I eat for a living and so they carry on and on with the abuse until I am physically sick everyday thereof, now of which the complain they are making is that my activities cost people jobs which does suggest they think I ought to have an opinion that I am responsible for what I get to do to them as well within this process of finding out where this nonsense leads and how it ends for my part too.
As it stands because of this story of people who wanted to confiscate my fame and met resistance, concentrating on my Books lasts five seconds every day, before it starts again and then the Journalists who should be somewhere if I co-operated will take over and own my whole reaction to it; which is not an issue –m their hatred developed firstly from the fact that I handled them the first time and they had to get gangs they spend their salaries on in the third world whenever they want to pretend they are doing charity work, so I suppose when I handle them again we will see them get the neighbourhood racist that used to be a friend in school this time, otherwise they can stop getting on my nerves, stay off the Court which is female only and keep off my Book sales, stop imitating me etc. It all feeds into the agenda and is nothing out of the ordinary; the bit where I must ensure every involvement with me is being done by people who are interested in my success i.e. if they are nice to me they gain my niceness and if they buy my Books I give them a service and a compliment in return. The rest are white people that blacks cause to fart all the time and black people that are always being pushed into violence by whites and although both think my Books are good, the Public transport operatives have worked with their media to ensure people think it makes people sick to the stomach, while the rest want to be see me crawl on the floor and live at the mercy of their civil rights generosity. So eventually it comes down to that nastiness of sharing my Public life in a condition where they are better off that turns my tummy all the time and when any bothers me for acting on it like the Germans for instance, those pay up but the biggest payment on my records so far has been done by the Americans.
It is an old case where they are not working on their companies because they thought they had somebody they could take profits from and are now full of regrets and unable to continue; I am hoping they will pack up and do something else with themselves, they are saying I will eat up the nostalgia and the Media along with other goons like Public transport operatives (who live in a world where people only need have money and my life is flushed down the toilet) will aid with that. They say I love laughing and joking and playing around and being wasteful and it is utter nonsense as well; private equity Intellectual Property Administration means I will provide clients with equities and give them regular update on market conditions as well attached as well. They are supposed to buy Books first to get involved or get involved with an author whose Books they have already bought, it does not matter from which direction I started my writing and its business, they are the ones that are supposed to be civilised persons too; play, play, playing around and then when they end up with personality problems claim that was my concern as well with that big mouth. When I have ensured Celebrities and Media and Politicians had put all end to making slight and really stupid comments about my work and Public image I expect to proceed to another 3 months of stabilisation and then check which clients I have kept and lost and writing and selling Books I write will become a job of mine to me once again and we shall find out what will happen when this is not going to be rid of them in natural ways too – when I am the one playing around and being wasteful, cracking jokes and being useless yapping all over the place. They say I am losing a Royal Estate which is utter nonsense; what is happening is the same old way they chase everything I do over their needs which has already led me to make them deploy those stupid cultures and societies to satisfy them while I supervise – what they mean by this claim is the fact they expect me to make a public statement about every project The Queen has given me because they think they are really important.
They say I love laughing and joking and playing around and being wasteful and it is utter nonsense as well; private equity Intellectual Property Administration means I will provide clients with equities and give them regular update on market conditions as well attached as well. They are supposed to buy Books first to get involved or get involved with an author whose Books they have already bought, it does not matter from which direction I started my writing and its business, they are the ones that are supposed to be civilised persons too; play, play, playing around and then when they end up with personality problems claim that was my concern as well with that big mouth. When I have ensured Celebrities and Media and Politicians had put all end to making slight and really stupid comments about my work and Public image I expect to proceed to another 3 months of stabilisation and then check which clients I have kept and lost and writing and selling Books I write will become a job of mine to me once again and we shall find out what will happen when this is not going to be rid of them in natural ways too – when I am the one playing around and being wasteful, cracking jokes and being useless yapping all over the place.
So they say the problem is that people like me do not know when we have lost a competition and by that they mean an existence that feels like squatters in the flat everyday i.e. have a warehouse and a reception and provide a service is the one where my reception and warehouse is controlled by those who have media etc; so they yap all the time and we all know I need to look into the issue of the need to drive through in a neighbourhood full of immoral people in order to feel they are in the right environment to get rich quick, keeping an eye on property that belongs to a Christian and when I am finished with that pick a personal issue with narcissistic partying as well; as ever, the Court is female only, I intend to do all my trading alongside them, otherwise Men will find me to be the reason they lost all their economic equity too, when it stops being so much fun; it is an old story about everything, being followed around by black characters and Boys linked to the Military and women that are the reason I find my Equities at the Bus Stop, Train stops etc and then we see them show up at Jobs to do with running some system where they get to control me as far as they are concerned.
Posted by Ikpe Uno.