February 8, 2015
They do say people like me who claim the Labour Party is
anti business need to be clear about what we mean and it will never make sense
when everybody can see them hound somebody and wreck their business with
apparatus of government claiming they find it amusing but explaining themselves
away as something they are doing because the guy is showing it is easy to be
successful in their society and when years had elapsed on the matter and it
turns out they had made their point and people don’t think it is easy to be
successful in their culture and society anymore due to what they have done to
me for instance then the story changes to that of how people now expect them to
back down for a bug they can squash. So when I mention such realities about
their very destructive socialist nature as the fact businesses know the workers
are just people they pay to assist but the small businesses are the people they
actually employ to do jobs for them and that the very ethos of the Labour Party
is to be nice to those who have money and meet those that are trying to make
any with shocking viciousness and brutality – they always say I am speaking of
these things in terms of battles I have lost which has nothing to do with the
fact it might happen and always does when you start a business but at some
stage leads to the development of an argument that avoids it and then the years
after that had begun is where your success has begun but the story of backing
down when faced a bug they can squish ensures that success is crushed as well.
So if I had my way the Party itself would be in the dock at Court so we can
find out how amusing they find it there because my reactions pleases them and I
am the kind of brother they love to tease in the family and all that nonsense
that hides incredible wickedness that you can only find among weed piping,
marijuana smoking and cocaine pushing scumbags like these, whom Politicians
have continued to think is a good idea to help to everything they need
including hate figures they can pick on to look like they are passing exams in
school – now the fools are paying taxes too and can never be wrong. So the
personal side is that they cannot get off my book sales now due to the fact
that they have targeted me way too often for their own good claiming they have
a problem with my means to an end but have continued to believe their means to
an end is based on how I am to fear them and how that is to be the basis on
which their lives are built so they can look like powerful and important
people, that are getting a good due for fighting for my civil rights – where it
translates towards the business community being the bit where they now have to
convince people they are business friendly because they believe it is that
simple as being friendly to money and destroying it at the other hand if it
helps them have big personalities; for them it’s as simple as confidence in
your compulsive laying getting you through all the time becoming the answer for
everything especially when combined with using government office to target others
with leverage and lots and lots and lots and lots of lies and accusations, so
that in the end they are not making any money or employing anybody, what they
want is treasury money, hence if they wanted it nobody knows why they destroyed
it in the first place and made you work as hard as you have for what will not
turn out to be as good as was originally planned but the biscuit is actually
the reality that these socialist idiots think it is amusing to behave in that
way; I am aware these are people you ruin your life with if you wanted, so
keeping the Labour Party out of a Law Court on my account will have to be paid
for by the problems their followers and fans will face in terms of the
direction my means to an end takes too. They rip up my books with their bone
head stupidities and make up excuses they think means they have so much power
over me that I freeze and cannot do anything because they can give to the
frugal as it were. It’s like the issue of radicalisation of Young Muslims;
always a simple case of people living in the UK but wanting one rule for all
Britons and another for them, so they can damage your business and push you
into a condition where you need to be successful in their world so they can
copy and do even more damage for the rest of your life which they might even
find amusing too and it’s just that case of asking you for what you have an
accepting a yes or no answer being something that people have invented to make
them inferior going hay wire but when I mentioned it years ago everybody
thought it was trivia now they have a problem with the path I have chosen for a
means to an end as well people expect me to make compromises so they can turn
out in public to measure out false confidence they wish to propel into reality
with a big mouth. Everybody save them have to work the system in order to
ensure salary is greater tomorrow than it is today – they can always rely on
equality and civil rights because they are not allowed to exercise their talent
for corruption building up the sense it could have been worse and that I need
to allow them damage then work for more with that big mouth we see them get
self improvement on media from and return to seek more violently everyday right
down to the need to copy a renaissance of warrior spirit to get rid of present
states of affairs and install a world they are in charge of all the time being
expressed on the internet laced with a need to handle peoples possession; their
Politicians now say it is as simple as being friend of those that are making money
and enemy of those that are not, showing how detached they are as well. They
say my business is operating at a loss which is utter nonsense; its all
deferred equity, so that if I don’t want to dig the market and they go off to
dig the equities for me and turn up on media to sell their own products, I have
to do what I have done to protect those markets and keep them going until I am
ready, my own means to an end winding people up as well concerning which they
can go to hell if they don’t like it; so because they have low tolerance for
not having everything that have never worked for they will build their spoof
from what they have already handled and run really fast all over the place to
do it anyway no matter what and that is why I cut that up because there is no
difference between the spoof and the real thing when they have that stupid
media and advertisement and twisted corrupt industry scum at back stage media
to abuse people with that they can get around with. it is that story about I
ask and you give and because when I ask and take a yes or no answer from you it
will make me inferior to you taken to another level entirely, they are now
pretending they are so good at it, it is amusing how it has become part of a
profession which means they can clothe themselves with three piece suits on it,
which means others are lazy and a system needs to be changed and yet it is they
that could have done so much better and we can see it leading to problems
thereof way beyond their problem with the path I have chosen for a means to an
end like it is at present. Currently when people ask them about being
anti-business their story shifts to a case of people like me that are not
making any money until how big and strong they are becomes a real issue
especially because they are using and deploying my possessions. All they really
think about is being the kind of person women want to chase – the rest is to be
compensated for by getting away with crimes like these: does not mean anything
either, we all know the need their politicians had to push me out of academic work
and make my career free for all was the start of their democracy and freedom
menace and this is just the result of making sure people can only get jobs if
they have had a history of having sex because their minds must be controlled by
the Politicians who want to feel they are in charge of people and should be
able to corrupt them and make them look stupid at will – so for me this is why
they are always completing every relationship people have with me with their
own brand of nepotism and discrimination especially when black because I am
black as it were, they don’t want to loose this part of their corruption as
well and I want them off my book sales so I can finish off their loss by taking
a holiday.
Posted by Ikpe Uno.