June 1, 2015
There is this story of me provoking Politicians by being me
which they find insulting because it suggests I am more important than they are
but at the end of the day, I need conservatives and the reasons for it is that
whilst matters of International relations and this problem of Countries that
are bigger than the UK being respected is sorted out, which it needs to be
because they want it so much and needs to be on the basis of which big
Countries can help us manage our small one while we discard the ones that
cannot help us with that, it is important to have people whose business and
financial interests are fundamentally founded on things remaining as they are
which is where the Tories matter – they like to think they will jump over me
because of it and that will never happen. As it stands they are all suffering
for damaging my academic work and finances to force me into trying to sell a
product from which I need to raise funds to stave off homelessness in order to
exist and are convinced as such that all the damage they have done so far will
not be punished – so there is the fundamental idea going on that they believe I
do not think the black people that fancy white idiots and suffer racism for it
deserve everything they get, so they are convinced they can take any chances
with me and waste my years to build up a sense of later superiority without
serious consequences. So for the Politicians I have had enough of the insults
and for the rest especially the media the big idea is always that if I get
stabbed by them and stab them as well I am still worse off because I am Royalty
and they are not and this is not how it will work out – I will pull out the
stops and make sure they lose if I have to do it. The bottom line is that I
have a certain liking for my work by the general public and every Political and
media fool needs to stay away from it in order to avoid trouble as a certain
fraction of that will buy books from me to help me make a living – if their
stupidities pay off actually I will change the western world for them as they
know permanently as well – I am not going to allow 15 years of my time to be
wasted so they can play these stupid market games without consequential
outcomes. People get involved with an Author if they like his books and want a
copy otherwise they need to be informed about how others get to deal with a
process where they are reduced to animals as well. They say I never mention or
talk about it which is why they feel they can do as much of it as they like for
any length of time that they wish – but I do not feel I have to when they are
currently complaining about their cultures and societies and I am in no mood to
hand it back considering they have not yet fixed the finances what tax payer
funds and treasury money avails them to do with their foolishness on other people’s
property as it were; I do not think it makes them nervous, the insults and
abuses do not suggest it does neither does the need to handle my earnings – as
they say, I think they fucking love it. It is nothing new of course as such; it’s
the same old story of the fact it is rather impossible to say one thing to a
single group of people over 15 years without consequences – I have my friends
and allies and others at government office and any alternative communities
inventing work and oppression for me want a good lesson on wealth inequality as
well, it’s as I have mentioned before i.e. when their insolent women speak of
how I need gender reassignment. They do say it has taken all I had of course
which is utter rubbish too – it was just a bit of work making sure pornography
is beyond their reach and so is popular culture and celebrity culture before
educating them on the importance of anal sex, it does not make them nervous, it’s
as they say, they fucking love it and I if they want a piece of advice think
they need get off my Books and clear my space. They do say they will return to
the pornography Industry and get them to handle me in the same way and it is
utter rubbish too – I mean I have complained for years they need to clear my
space and get off my Book sales so Pornographers don’t turn up to beg me to
keep going which they will not comply with in hell and now they think they will
turn to pornographers as well; all I want is a bit of normalcy, where they get
off my Book sales and clear my space; it’s like when they say they will turn my
statements on me and teach me a lesson on wealth inequality and it makes me
wonder if they are to do that using my Community at Industry anyway and what it
is that makes them think that people are going to go along with it. We are
talking about it because they like to threaten me and if they don’t do that I
wouldn’t mind – the reality is that they are haters of my work and like to get
connected to that effect, it does not mean that it belongs to them, it’s just a
criminal form of disobedience without which they have no energy and thereby
constitutes a problem that really needs solving too. Fundamentally it has never
been a serious issue – simple case of watching telly and when you come across
them and their shenanigans your power remote turns to something else you want
to watch except they know where my Books are and the threats and community
abuses are there to ensure I respond to it no matter what taking up my time and
causing insecurity for everybody else. So on this occasion it was as simple as
haters of what I do getting connected while Industries juggle between me and
them and then they handle my Books and issue threats – so they need to know if
I have to do it I will make sure they lose when I do.
So the part that is clearly difficult to understand is that I have used cutting people off from popular culture and celebrity culture and pornography as a way of expressing how powerful and connected and wealthy I really am and how they cannot get connected with my people or associates or indeed confiscate a Royal Estate around here – its only that old issue of them knowing where my Books are and turning up on media to issue threats with their filth because they do; first there is that process of saying I am not going to think about the intrusion right up to bed chamber story and then it will continue intensely and violently to a stage where you say alright I need to ensure every time they get involved they complain about wealth inequality because I have the connections to make that possible and I will lose it if I did nothing and then it comes to these threats bit immediately after and all the while the reasons for it is that there is a product they are selling somewhere at the expense of my health and well being and there are Industry idiots using it to dig money from my Company and this is what I mean the threats the issue and how I will make sure they lose if I have to do it.
The problem itself had long been settled – it’s just that there isn’t a day that goes by I don’t have to talk about these fools and their own Communities whenever I do anything and get somewhere to wait for mine to catch up which has nothing to do with them; so we are getting to a point where every cheap popular nonsense plugged into anything to do with me will be followed by reprisals from female journalists at Court as well. So they do say I talk about working and I talk about having a job and that it is my nemesis but it isn’t; this is what I do for a living – the issues always begin when a single person gets £4,500 PA in Housing benefits and a Banker gets a Million in bonuses alone and he needs to show how important he is by making sure the general population co-operates with his needs or else machines will be made to replace peoples skills and jobs and they will go round and round in employment training cycles for the rest of their lives, so in my case they cannot replace mine and it has become something really personal and personal indeed it will get too. Especially when they have started this story of every fool that wants to get rich and connected with them needs to do so ripping up my books sales and getting on my public work and personal space with media. I never asked them, all I needed to do was ensure my CV ends up on their desk and if I don’t get a job it was always good enough – if they don’t employ me it was always their loss, they need to handle their own aptitudes when getting things done. We first time we got involved with each other and their wickedness was expressed it ended with the outcome we have today where the neighbourhoods cannot be allowed to exist unless they do the way I want, now they have taken it up at Industry as well hounding me; it’s the great old story of telling somebody not to handle your Books for a thousand times and in two seconds he will do it again making sure you are fighting something and he is using you with a position on media which of course is all made up but makes sense if he is able to destroy your finances and tell people otherwise happened – incentive being it’s the only thing they talk about, me and my private body parts and the things I will be tortured into giving up building themselves up to a point where they are fundamental threat to me and I am never allowed by them to feel good, so they have taken it up to Industry as well and we will find out how that ends too. We hear their opinions all the time especially the ones that say my Books are not befitting of my position and a level of intellect expected which is not true as they can buy their own or tell lies instead, it is not supposed to bother me. As for the story of whether I can handle voices of dissent at government level, it is an old case as such; that when it comes to settling which Country we have deep relations with, its fundamentally a case of if those governments can help us run our local affairs like the US for instance and those that cannot will not be close allies of ours – countries have relations and the reasons for it are never really much less than this. So that it is the vices of dissent that need to handle people’s possessions and are always in a perpetual state of seeking change, so there have always been voices of dissent and I will not have made an exceptional occasion. They say all I do with my time is basically get around finding out how the lower classes live so I might use it against them and it is utter nonsense as well of course since the truth instead is rather that the problems would not have existed all without the Priest that is homeless and his blessed spilled for all who will not therefore pay for it or go along with Christian rules kind of perverted access to me that they have got and like to complain thereof about the consequences such as what happens to their societies and communities; it’s the games they play with peoples finances and academic work claiming I for instance deserve it because City centre people are playing hide and seek with me and they are torturing my secretes out of me which they have the right to because they don’t deserve the hand that has been dealt them whereas we know they are pure evil and it is official they are incredibly stupid as well but the real issue is that when done with these games do nothing about the mobility that extremists have gained from it because I am the clever one, so they need to be made to see and appreciate just how clever – this is just where it got to me i.e. I am the clever one and need to do something about the extremists and racists getting mobility from their activities otherwise I will get into even more trouble, there are other nonsense they come up with to take up peoples time such as how this is evidence of their power and why people should comply with their needs and then the one that concerns me being that they are witchdoctors from another culture and I am the top one in the UK.
They do say my reputation is getting worse and worse with the Monarchy but the reality is always rather that they are going to do nothing but what they are doing at the moment; media and celebrity and all, for the rest of their lives if I allowed them to – whole societies and a cooing and a booing and the abuses and the babying telling me to feed them – when I feed them the Christianity it gets violent because they think they are more deserving to live than others are; I mean I have one at home too and it’s my good old evil mother and they have no idea anyway, so I am sure they understand what I meant when all those things I said indicated I don’t care if they existed. It’s nothing unusual just the result of parents forming pack mentality with their Children to set me out and target me, claiming it is how they win the day and bring home the bacon – so it starts with fight that I am going to win obviously as their poverty shows they are idiots and it runs in the various families too and then they will get their children involved and then the Politicians too and try to pretend they are going to flush my life down the toilet on Media as well – absolutely no respect whatsoever and yes they speak of society and communities and cultures and they will never get those back until my finances have been restored by them so they can be free of me and I free of them as well – its victimless as far as I am concerned too. The part the media and the politicians play in this is to ensure these fools see my personal life and possessions as some addiction they need to top up every day and they are now in that position while I am in one where I do not find myself very happy or pleased about it, so I cannot make out what the complains is hoped to achieve when the way out is ever so simple. The part where I handle other peoples businesses as well is ever so popular but I provided the participation property equities because they were based on an asset and exclusively meant for the deployment of those who brokered with me and not available to everybody – it is something I could have done for free and still had time for my academic work if its nature is to be considered in the extreme but I have neither been able to earn a living from it or do my academic work and settle up a job because people like to play games and get involved so they can avail themselves to my anus and penis and so on – the advantage of them is that they can make use of it and get rich quick and if I do anything about it send out a stupid insulting girl with ideas about prejudicial violence to keep me from achieving my goal, for me the disadvantage is that people buy very expensive products and cannot settle on the work that has gone into making those products to give them what they want, until I pick up the companies of those who do these things as well and they start to pay for it; so that is for the big businesses but for the smaller trouble makers it’s a matter of how increasingly unpopular I have become with the Royals. So it’s always been a matter I have under control – reality is that some women will broker equities with me to build a business that supplies gowns and lingerie for states women and Business women, so because those bras are out there on the market somebody will buy them and make a display of herself as she seeks to extract and income from my business at the discretion of a stupid Politician that is handling my empire to get rich and is being protected by her until he does or she does and they all behave like that right up to Mr Obama who says he wants to have revenge on the British Royal Family over slavery and slave trade and now has to explain his position to the world too since that was actually what the real problem was all along as it were – it blows me away when they complain that I handle their own empires as well because the situation is such that if I act on these girls and these women they send out to do these things I will create discrimination over pants and bra and if I don’t, the idiots will completely destroy my Book sales and ensure I do not have the right to feel good on account they are way too happy doing their prejudicial violence – they cannot do fashion without it these days and that part will end badly too.
The story of how I say what I say and do what I do but fail to make any progress is becoming more popular as well but I have always considered it and long ago taken steps to ensure civil rights people remain the way they are permanently lest my books lose credibility when I protect myself from the people that are not very happy with the fact I have written them and that it does what it does. So I have no idea what other thing they have in their history yet which means that anything they come up with on that stupid media is likely to be successful in my case anyway but it is the effrontery of getting on it to pretend I exist so they can do things to me that really gets to me for my part; same case as all the others i.e. they need to keep off my Book sales and clear my space; they do say I think my nagging resolves things when it does not not whereas I was thinking my Books are the products of this Empire while whatever it is that gets to their heads and causes a basis of misery for me is theirs as well, so it is clear they are not nervous when they approach me, except that they are and will resolve it by violence with a big mouth.
Posted by Ikpe Uno.