May 26, 2015
I am not saying I do not get warned about messing with the
white race, I do, but it is largely a matter of the fact I can no longer have a
relationship with my parents or indeed with the British Royals so I am stuck
with abusive greed that only needs to detach you from your academic work and
then every single part and orifice on your body will be game because they are
taking it; so the full album will be that I am unable to have a relationship
with my parents, unable to have any with the Royals and unable to complete with
academic work because people are idiots with jobs on media and they suppose I
have done what I have done over an assumption they will never become racists
when it hurt badly enough for them to be. So I have got only one condition i.e.
they need to fix the finances like we were mates as it were and since they have
no plans to allow me fix the damages they have done here with their violent
involvement, they need to do it by themselves and stop issuing threats they
actually cannot back up as it were and then when they do I will be free of them
and they will be free of me – otherwise they can keep trying to find out what
will happen when they blow off their big mouth where it really matters. I mean
it was fun when it was – the precincts of the University because I attend full
of society idiots having fun with my temperaments meaning that stuff they do
about detaching my potential from my academic qualifications and making sure
the two never meet to seek out mobility for extremists at the Industries at my
expense with that stupid media and the Politicians that run with it had
followed me there and characteristically it developed into a story about how
every single year I spend there will mean somebody else graduates and grabs my
career and my world from what they have found out in the process leaving me
with the possibility that getting academically qualified will become a problem
in itself and nobody knows why they never attended colleges instead where these
kinds of behaviours will not damage anything in such a far reaching manner, so
I have to assume they turned up at the Universities because they saw me attend.
It’s the one and only conditions here, fix it fix it fix the damaged finances,
I intend to teach them a lesson they will never forget. I know of course of an
accusation about how I got off to hoodwink people into a service for
Politicians that I never performed so I might manipulate people – it will never
make sense; firstly of which we have circular societies all over Europe for
example where people exhibit frivolities just like they do but in essence it
exists because people are comparing themselves to the trouble maker celebrities
they have got, so in my case it simply has to be that their frivolities target
me because they think I exist somewhere at their level – there was no
hoodwinking, they have always assumed Politics will last another couple of
centuries and Royalty is on borrowed time and I will not tolerate any rubbish
from them right up to the international communities as well – they need to fix
the finances now and stop making so much noise of threats they really have no
means to back up.
It is never true they provide for me in anyway – it’s just the fallout from a process where writing books means that an idiot on media has already read it and finds it so amusing he sets up entire communities around me all the time to troll me and make his media job more meaningful to others which has now over time given way to people being organised to extract information from my personal life instead of buy a copy of the books as per that is where their fame and fortune lies and I have no idea what I am going to do to them for it anyway. I know it’s possible to say to another person that due to his behaviour I have been writing these books for some time and last 24 hours met somebody who thought I was messing around with careers I know nothing about due to the fact what I know manifest in my physical appearance did not show up in my pocket as well but these fools have not had a meaningful conversation with another human being for decades, there isn’t a soul they meet that has not ended up telling them the current relationship will not last. I understand they say it’s the fighting bit that is hard for me but it isn’t, we are living with a media today that cannot get past any second without passing a violent insult at me, reason being that my property which they love to spend will never run out and I first need to kill off this perception that I am star struck and wish to get through life sharing all I have and then I shall develop a campaign of abuse for journalists and then finish it off with consolidating my selfishness and hurting them seriously for any further usage of my work and career.
I hear what they say concerning their culture and society of course but it is to stay with me until the Books are sold and the job is done, otherwise I will be disrupting the activities of organised criminals to secure facts for books one moment and then the next I will be undercut for frivolous excuses that do not make sense and get made up as they go along; it’s an old story about what the purpose of the culture and society is i.e. I am nature and they men and men always pound nature, which is why it is important to them to ensure I am rounded up at my exit route when they help stupid girls and women to fame and fortune by handling my Royal Estate and Public work and the general illusion is that they are in charge which is a big fat lie. They need to fix the financial damage they have done here first then issue threats. I hear them when they say I have problem because I attack the interest of those who fight for me but we all know when it is a job they can give they want to give it at their own time table, now that it is my business they want to lift that whole process and set it up on it as well and we still cannot work out what their problem with the respect part of life really is, all we can do is assume they think they are in charge which is a lie, just like the problem with the Politicians and the European Union where people get into government office to sit about talking nonsense about their private interests and those that have possessions they wish to own and the Germans basically run the EU which is a big fat lie as well.
So I hear I think I can use and dump the media whereas the truth is that they love to build publicity for me or my work and then sit about making sure it passes to somebody else and there is no tearing them away from suffocating me in that way – the reason of course is that they primarily make their profits by selling goods and services for big companies and that is why I as a person do not matter to that extent; having said so it’s not impossible to see that whether or not they are doing this, if I actually speak with a customer about my products the customer will not decide what they want to do with it, but then again they are off on a tangent around that too to secure power all together, so it is not that I am painting an apocalyptic picture as such, it’s a case of imagining a Company exists and it may build history with a community where it is based, to locate which ones are its loyal customers, then imagine another organisation run by very abusive greedy idiots that leave you all sexually filthy and defiled for every point in time in which they engage with you, imagine an organisation that needs to build such a history and is actually a sales company; so it is possible for goods and services to appear on my media without having anything to do with me and for each time that it does they are on borrowed time with their big mouth to be backed up as well – this is advertising. The private broadcasters like to think they are the ones with an ability to take me on a wild goose chase which has proven to be the case time and time again as it were but it is the public broadcasters that show this behaviour for what it is i.e. when products are advertised at your expense it is because we can beat you up if we wanted to; I am in my thirties, I have seen advertisement in my life time as it were and it is possible to have my normalcy back too. I mean it is as though nobody knows that every occasion where you wake in the morning to a tummy ache that is a function of community croons that stare at your bedroom window to a fault and do not have a jobs and each time it happens and you check the entire neighbourhoods it is some kind of laugh that their evil mob justice is having, that is primarily originates by some subliminal message that is sent by the media, when they issue threats assuming they will be the ones to do the murdering as it were; like white people are having trouble with a relationship concerning their parents and its all your fault playing with fire considering what we have used our media to do in Africa and Middle East is not hurting enough and will therefore get worse – I have told them enough like any human being can about their stupid threats and why they need to be seen staying away from my Book sales. I hear that I am being manipulated by large companies of which is utter rubbish – it really doesn’t do for people to pretend others like them when people really don’t; I mean large companies know what their liabilities are and that each time they tell people to sell things for them the result will be that of 20 guys who are done smoking weed that will be out there today ripping up my company for reason that they are sales men getting around the streets to do their jobs, so the question is why some people are always so keen to ensure my work and possessions end up in that condition only to issue stupid threats at me at the end; I have made myself clear, I have seen adverts before and can see them again too. I am not saying I have never acted in such ways as deserves the threats but it’s a matter of new small businesses of freedom erected all over the world to sell my Royal Estate and Royal order to get rich by freedom freaks led by Americans, so when they have none of it to bother me with the situation will improve too; all I have done have been done on the basis of making sure people had stopped attacking me, I have not yet gotten hold of the liars and mob justice idiots to bend them into an unnatural corner to show them how people provoke me yet and I am certain its small businesses of freedom that will present the opportunity for that too: it’s never been an issue, just reality that in the US you can easily tell people you believe in witchcraft and that it is how you get to become an elected government Official and people will decide it’s what your flavour looks like, they believe I have got the stomach for small businesses of freedom abuses of my finances and what I had done before with their democratic fraud and robbery is not hurting badly enough yet too (the democratic fraud and the need to handle my aptitudes and company in order to make money at the stock markets was the first time our paths crossed - this time they are doing the one I told people was acceptable i.e. small businesses that rip up my finances to exist and issue threats at me to make profit and that is going to end as badly too - it started with the economic crisis, where the Bankers will be informed that there are those who think they are having a laugh when they claim some billions just disappeared off the stock markets and then such persons will have to deal with all that distant violence, to find it is coming from democratic fraudsters who like to claim they want to live in a free Country because it is the only means by which they can when they need money put some tools together and go off to gamble at the Stock markets - its ever such fun and beats the imagination of course except for me it got worse with their big mouth over my Books of which nobody knows what their case with seems to be).
It is said I am one of those people that show Europe is becoming more African all together due to the activities of these freedom fraudsters but I really do not need to go after that which is why I never discuss it along these lines; what is real and true is that the insolence of main land European man regarding their fatherliness is off the scale and when the last time I checked I had a penis as well it makes me wonder why I cannot be one too, however time to put my foot down comes when this Royal Estate is mine and not their own and their behaviour towards me means my finances get damaged and every fool can grab my work and toss it somewhere in which they can go to claim later on and I simply have to let it run its course, when it hurts me they hurt too. It does not mean I don’t get support, I do, when I am playing the part about helping them out with peoples violent and destructive frivolities that encumber governance while they spend time standing up on platforms of government to push their own interests to ensure people want to do more and more of it but then again there are those of them that really like to play up that nobody knows who you are when I ensure you have to deal with the image of your company everyday as I threaten you to get rich because I am dark and violent thing of which their opinions have never been required around here as such – so that is what is going on not Europe becoming more African; the Spanish really love to do it but it is the Germans that play up the ugliness that brings a curse on everybody routine, what I mean being for instance that of Ireland going to a referendum to give equal marriage to homosexuals, which of course is something that can happen because Countries do behave in such ways and it is the likelihood of using it to mess up the affairs of other Countries which has a tendency to create war, but the Germans rather like to think they run the EU which is a massive lie. It’s nothing new to me, only Europeans and their societies and secret societies and how walking down the street could leave you fucked all over by a narcissist your crime being that he fancies you of which nobody knows why narcissists would fancy those that are not anyway but above all you never gave consent and yet you need to listen to their civil rights idiots complain all over the system about things the government cracks down on when they are done by consenting adults – there is no Europe becoming more African. It’s like the story of how I spend my time giving away my work and then blaming others for it which isn’t actually true; what is true is that people should get involved with an author to buy his books and no other reason – two worlds have therefore emerged and one of them is the one where I put my priceless information into a permanent state and people can partake for an insignificant cost and the other is a world where people have an ability to split others from their personality or temperaments and share it where they are made to find out everything about the contents of a book and are now being forced to buy it anyway otherwise others will buy it for them, so that is how we save ourselves from being turned into Animals by these fools – a bit of very violent Book writing.
I understand they say I am out of my depth but I am not out of my depth – this is all just a bit of work on the matter – the community croons are 24/7 all about chasing my anus and penis to do serving celebrity for money routine of small business selling me to please celebrated idiots and telling me its revolution that will finish off my Royal Estate and the men are all about some man pounding nature routine of which the ones of the left are complaining because I am at large in their cities and the others that like to play really tough are complaining because we are getting ready to listen to the gongs of poverty, it is the Politicians however that ensure that when these activities lead them to financial difficulties they get tax payer funds and find a way out and this is where I have to pull out all the stops and do a bit of work i.e. it is ever so difficult to make me into something a prepubescent psychopath wants to stick a knife into because he is curious on account I am an adult and will ever continue to work on my finances and ensure my work does not fail me but even being elected into government office is not as important as getting it done and then we get to the bit where they have to explain to the public why they are not doing their jobs and wealth inequality story with a need to chase around my personal life comes to the rescue – so they soon realise they have not worked out how to pay their bills and that I have written books and they want to plug a product into the market to get rich serving celebrities to chase my anus and penis all over the place and this is where I have to put in some work and deal with it, it does not mean I am out of my depth; as for the Royal Estate I have warned about a distant relationship I have with a Court of female journalists being designed to ensure the doors and shutters are firmly locked except that is not working and it will end very well too as nothing whatsoever justifies their need to rob my Royal Estate to help celebrities make money that they get to share later on – they say they don’t like being laughed at but it’s really difficult to locate what it is exactly they are going to do about it now anyway. So the story of how much I chase my desires to grave and great consequences is very well understood but of course we all know there is no such thing – these goons are the ones chasing their desires in such ways, I am not the one that gets on media to build another person a filthy existence which I then force on them as my version of how they should live and exist as it were and there is still the big question about when exactly I will feel pushed around enough by them to do it but then again clearly of which I am neither the person doing the murdering or the person getting murdered; I mean why must the claim I get around chasing my desires to the result of unbridled violence be the truth anyway, because they say it and because they say it on Media? Same old case obviously of pretending I buy the equipment so they can talk through to me rather than do their own jobs. It does not mean I am a victim, that is not what I suggested, I am not the victim; they love their tales from the world of homosexuals and drag queens and boys and girls screwing around with others at the discretional funding of their parents who will make profit and self improvements from their activities at a later date meaning their victims can never have respite from any of it at any rate whatsoever, they have only just come across somebody that can revoke and inspiration and withdraw a freedom being that if I want people to make a big show at my expense I will approve them for it and if I don’t they will not make any in hell. I am very clear about the reasons I punish them i.e. they don’t see me get out of my home to chase women and have sex and because of that it will make no difference if I have sex or not and will cost my academic work and job and finances and business to ensure I am getting out to fit in and have sex and it is the sort of nonsense from a group of people that you could never devise an imagination to make up but is not quite so surprising that they are always criminals or violent and organised career criminals, now they think they want to control me too and I never said I was the victim in the matter either.
Where the story of my hatred for Pentecostal Christians is concerned I couldn’t make it out since I do not in any way hate Pentecostal Christians but having said so there are things they do which means we can never get along i.e. it begins in the early days with a need to allow me an opportunity to address a crowd for five minutes which is then cut short while I am doing it, to 3 minutes time and time and time again, so that it becomes obvious at some point that they need to do that to build an atmosphere that allows them do whatever else it is they do and I had to move on. It’s something about their willingness to sell the gospel for money which they will not give up for anything else in the whole world; I used to hate it when I was a Child but as a grew up I realised they did it because it was a state of affairs they needed to impose on the world around them which will allow them win every single argument that they have with every single religious group – having said so, it is not my choice that they are making either, so I never really take it to heart; except that the stalking now ensues and alongside it the need to preach me instead of the gospel of Christ, which then leaves me with unemployment that causes me to keep working on a business until it becomes an empire while I realise then that the stalking had developed into financial stalking and the money and market has ended up somewhere else but when asked why they do it, the response they give is always mind blowing i.e. other children need to be taught how to be me and I need to stop being so selfish; so it is obvious I in no way hate Pentecostal Christians but the insults from them are off the scale.
Posted by Ikpe Uno.