So they say I am being threatened by white Boys, of which I
wouldn’t understand anyway – all I know about white boys and their threats is
that it is because they think that stupid communities where they do some
creativity by which celebrity insanity is at its strongest, has not been
handled or completely destroyed yet. So it is usually the disposition from
which they get about handling my income margins to get about Industry
communities blabbing about how nobody knows who the hell I am because they
cannot work for their own. What happens as a result is that I broker equity
with businesses and they deploy it for creativity and make the products and
because I am a writer have crafted it in such a way that the most effective
experts to review the products and all equities concerned will have to be those
willing to make use of photography and video, thus when they do, I recover my
heirlooms and have no money because of them in the process. When I say my
patience with white communities is wearing very thin, they issue threats each
time I am off to somewhere and they have spent all day brewing a certain kind
of Media based leadership that does nothing but rip up my business empire and
share what is left of it alongside their fellow none white idiots, that they
want to provide, which also means I have no right to feel good on account they
have needs that will cost me everything and they can continue to issue those
threats too and then we will find out if the patience will not wear a lot
thinner than that – like that story about how I deploy white culture to get
things done, which does not hold water in anyway whatsoever.
We have to put up with this nonsense every time; where they are deeply disappointed that the money they have made from a job they have gotten with an academic qualification they would only study for if they pushed me out of mine and returned to popularity culture after passing their exams has not actually meant that they have become superior to me. Extending then to a stage whereby they are getting jobs at the Police and the purpose is to run the local communities and have specific persons they want to tell what to do every moment of their stupid lives, knowing that in my case it will lead to the cycle of what they are most afraid of starting all over again. It’s never been a complicated issue, it’s the one where I cannot stand their immorality and greed and civil rights associated with it, whereby they need to work for it or inherit from those who had the good sense to do so, keep away from me and stop targeting me over their needs. It’s all very well blabbing about what I cannot do, everybody else knows my main prognosis will easily become one about the fact my peers on account of their lewd lifestyles and binging and partying and sex have no respect for me as a person or my livelihood and these are typical examples of things I will begin to hate very deeply about them until it leads to a fight, so they can have that fight they seek all the time while expecting to engage in children’s ones at a point where they are adults, which is a worthy use of my time as it were; I have had enough of it and they need to stay the hell away from me; I need to tolerate less and less of this processes by which they think they can always challenge me as it were – everybody feels bad for not being superior than those they thought they were better than at some stage, beyond it is the ability to get along with people, these fools however want to commit crimes and get away with it instead and they will bellow these threats knowing if I determined every aspect of their lifestyles and then their sexual activity after that I told them to come round to mine and retrieve it they would not have been able to do so and likewise the business ones who have trouble living with an Arch Prince that is taking Global Economy away from them and have now resorted to blabbing of how all I do is stupid but when asked what is wrong with the clever people and why they cannot have the economy figured out, cannot answer a simple question.
They say I do not scare them and I can understand that too; after all there is no need to be scared of somebody whose finances have been ripped up by Politicians while your own has been stitched up for you, so that his fear over funding the roof over his head must be translated into a fear of you with media, which you can then make something from all the time; even then I still do not see what the incentive is anyway when their Politicians cannot get them past the bit where I can ensure people at Industry are not giving them money to get off messing it up for me by as well anyway.
So they do say I boast all the time but when people do my stuff there is nothing I can do about it but I am not aware they are doing my stuff; what is really happening is that these are people who are so desperate to copy leadership from somebody else and have conditions around them as though they were the real thing, that they enjoy wanting to manage my life while keeping a large portion of it for themselves. I for my part do what I do to them and about them in order to see to it that they are governed and do not take fancy to their celebrities for that either as it were – reason being that where they live, there always has to be an excuse to ensure somebody’s bottom is hurting even when the person is not homosexual for example and so in terms of a person’s body you may say that idiots can look at the goods but touching is not allowed, touching by your power is assault and doing so on sexual context is sexual assault and it’s a no brainer and this was social rule, except the point at which it is then perverted into a case of the same rule becoming unenforceable with respect to property will completely beat your imagination and then you hear them complain you go into government buildings to use imagination to make laws and by the time its applied, those laws have become undemocratic and yet any consultation will be followed with processes of being made to come up with laws that suit their insanity, especially the one about working hard to organise processes of community behaviour that amounts to sustained verbal abuse for people, ranging from victims chosen because they have what others do not, to plain hate crimes that have no reason whatsoever and this as we all know is beyond the powers of the Police because it is not a case of somebody getting on a roof to scream another person’s name and abuse them every day for years as the case may be. In the end there are endless complains about things I have done which does tend to mean I win and defeat but let them win and defeat as well and you will see the UK become a republic in that respect as a result of changes people want on account they could get the better of me and I could get the better of the problems and people ought to be free; hence I get told this is actually conflict prevention and that is precisely my point, I do not actually think any of my activities are wrong and certainly not as many times as they show up on Media to pretend they have something to take advantage of in that respect either; I do what I do to them to ensure the scumbags are governed – we all know that if we got rid of every nonsense that facilitates the colloquialisms they have, by which they are always doing the stuff that was the stuff done that should not be spoken or discussed every single moment of their stupid lives, there will be new and even more vicious ones with excuses you will never get your head around in 24 Hours, laced with the assumption everybody else thinks they do not know what they are doing but they are actually having the time of their lives; it is always more important than a day job before the Politicians intervene and ensure I sit around watching life go by.
So that we hear that story about how I need to be more competitive and outgoing fit into this whereas no such thing is actually the case anyway; I have a life where I learn to disappear by getting involved with poorer people in whose environment I try not to be too disappointed that I am not as superior as I thought I was which allows me to listen when those things I am meant to have hated about them and their behaviour is actually a point where they tell me what their lives have been like. Hence there are the other ones that control all the wealth and that means others do not have the right to feel good, concerning which I am an Arch Prince and they need to leave me alone as well, sitting in the same par as when it is said I think I have the power whereas the Politicians do, when in actual fact the Politicians want to spend most of their time keeping my Books from the Public and for their own personal and private usage in order to advance themselves – same attitude with when they say people get stabbed in neighbourhoods because the playgrounds are disused and children have no purpose in life and then complain at the other end, that £70,000 PA as the pay for Political work at the highest possible level is not enough for their lot.
Now they say I encourage migrants to travel to the UK and to Europe on one hand while on the other if they actually do, I have already set up a statement which expresses the fact I am of the opinion they are a burden for following me when they travel to the UK; none of these are based on reality or truth in anyway. In terms of encouraging migrants to travel to the UK, I suppose they are complaining because we have now reached a stage where they are fed up with travelling around to find ways of making people ashamed of their race and it was never such a simple matter for them either, it was the one where somebody will live on his $2 a week and another person will travel to his Country to alter his arrangements and not stay back to deal with the outcome as well, which goes further into the same issue concerning the well off in poorer Countries where people have Families and even spouse who have the one ambition to travel overseas and live in the UK or the US only – therefore life expectancy is very short in these Countries as a result of the fact the solutions to such problems are thin, few and far between, except these fools also think that with their racism they are doing a better job of protecting their stupid Country as well. So the insult of me controlling my Mum so she does not create racism started in 2001 and it is still an active behaviour on National Media as we speak every day. The Diplomats and international communities will do their bit as it were and so will the humanitarian organisations but then again, the Politicians and celebrities will invent a bit of their own to do too and show up here to fight Royalty complaining everyday in search of privileges of injustice as well.
So the big problem is that a pipsqueak like me wants to tell people what to do and that is why people want to tell him what to do as well; the reality of which is rather that I am an Arch Prince and when I want them to do something they have to do it, although such an occasion has not arisen and they continue to claim I use it to serve myself, whereas another of their main problem is that they in my view love to pass insults at me of telling me what to do because they want to open their homes to criminals, otherwise it is an simple as insults pertaining to bills they are not paying around here. Main case being as it were that I do not serve myself with the fact that I do what I do to them to ensure they are governed because they say we imagine laws and need to bring it to their level in order to make it and when anything goes down that their level all we see is that we were right to imagine the laws because they touch people by their own power and touch people by their own power in sexual context every single moment of their time, to make excuses that create the sense that the victims were also responsible and if I get rid of it like so, there will have been invented a new one in 24 hours. So it feeds into that story of how people have a problem with me over poverty and deprivation whereas the problem people have with me is that the prognosis I have built up that I am not a clever people can only continue until another person’s life is at risk – people actually have a problem with them and their media insanity alongside celebrity stupidities over poverty and deprivation.
I for my part have made my position clear on the Celebrities too; I mean it’s a business to get paid £200,000 to have your face on Okay Magazine this Month and all you have to do is eliminate some competing faces and sink an Arch Prince’s book sale business without paying attention to the fact that you will be putting a smiling face of yours on those Magazines while the victim would be very unhappy; so that when I ask why they do it and they tell me they are famous, I really want to investigate the idiots who have been telling them that they are when I am finished with them as well. So it’s not a mystery and they do like to think I am bluffing but once I have changed this disposition, it would not be difficult to see why things will get really bad if this continues, since the magazines are a product in a shop and I have a tendency and capacity and ability to make use of famous faces to attain my own ends as well. It’s not a new case all round; same old issue behind the creation of the Magna Carta where the King was more comfortable with serving the King of Rome than he was with doing his own here at home and the stupid famous Tudor propaganda where they were beautiful all the time and there has to be a contest and a lot of the times it never ended well and The Queen was chief neck slasher. So it is all a behaviour that is identical to the UK itself but it does get to a stage where One makes a decision about taking this nonsense from these Media idiots; apparently the laws are imagined but the insults and touching are beyond the powers of the police because they are facilitated by insults and done at a distance. I am myself running out of patience for it and they need to work for their own or inherit from somebody who had a good sense to do so otherwise easy life will be getting a job very soon indeed. I need a Holiday from their stupidities for a couple of weeks or months to get myself refreshed and being seen around the Book sales making a mess will only serve to ensure the fact I am stressed because I am unable to be free from their stupidities and relax for a certain set periods of time will lead to far more serious results than they are complaining about at the moment.
It comes to that old story of if I am unable to be happy in the UK, which is actually not the case – these are all good people, it’s a matter of living in a world where there are such high stakes when it comes to respect and regard for others and I am not actually falling short as such but getting to come into terms with the fact another set of idiots like Tony Blair do exist and these are the kind that invent a fight with others over personality competition and get after peoples Jobs and financial well being before they get on with the fight they themselves had invented; I have never seen it before or seen it save when I did with his Administration and its spin doctor machine, taken to such a level that it is no longer some sort of fable that can be told to younger children. Then the excuse anyway that they love so much i.e. I mess around with Women – whereas my life never included them and was a three part case of the Royals and the People I go out with and of course the poor people I try not to be disappointed I am actually not superior to. They say I am stuck for Today, which is not actually the case – I am a half priest and I am supposed to be a very happy and content person as a result, which I actually am; they need to get family and business and jobs going or stay away from me and let people who are doing it here get on. These matters are not out of the ordinary, like it is said I have many enemies; it is an old story of how aged between 14 and 25 you find somebody in a Bar and Club every single night and when that becomes his teenage memory to add to the stupid things they used to talk about and do, he must now become me in order to feel safe but that safety is not guaranteed unless I am killed by a gang to make the problem go away permanently and so they show their face on media and cannot stop telling lies but then again of which they have always performed this behaviour, only but taken it to a whole new level with me, taking up 15 years of my time targeting and working on me specifically locally and internationally, hence have made their history and my Books must be sold as well.